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"Mom! Let's go!" Jane yelled from the passenger's seat, pressing the car horn.

Novel sat on her bedside stool, slipping into her vans. "Take your time, she's not going anywhere without us." she said to Samantha

"She definitely has a grudge because you won't let her get her driver's license."

"When she turns eighteen she can do whatever the hell she wants." The beep of the car's horn sounded again, longer this time. "I will make that girl carry Avalon and walk to the store."

"Why'd you get a cat?" Samantha shivered. "Thought you never liked cats."

"I see your dislike for them still goes deep." Novel laughed. "A cat chased you one time, you shouldn't have tried to scare her away by hissing at her."

"What was I supposed to do? She was standing right in front of our apartment." Samantha giggled. "I asked her politely to move and the bitch glared at me."

"So hissing was the next best thing?"

"I should have checked google." Samantha nodded. "My bad."

"Weirdo." Novel caressed her friend's stomach. "How many weeks along?"

"Eight weeks." she responded. "Immediately the tests showed positive I booked a flight here."

"Did you text him like I asked you to?"

Samantha shook her head. "I didn't know what to say without panicking, all the messages I drafted up didn't feel right enough."

"Why don't you start with hey?" Novel smiled. "Hey always leads to other conversations starters."

"And if he wanted to call me?"

"Lead with the truth, no matter how scary it looks. He's either in or out, let him make that decision, don't make it for him."

"Thank you honey, I really missed you." Sam hugged her friend, laughing as tears welled up in her eyes. "I hate these hormones."

"Welcome to the club mommy." Novel jumped up, quickly pointing a finger at her friend. "Stand up slowly, you aren't allowed to do cool stuffs like that anymore."

"I can't hop off the bed?" Samantha stood slowly like a robot. 

"I'll fill you in on all the rules. I advise you text Fabian soon, you'll need someone to hold your hair up when you get to the throwing up stage."

"There's a throwing up stage?" Samantha swallowed, her face losing color. Novel giggled, holding Samantha's elbow as they made their way out of the house.

"I'll fill you in darling." Novel waved at her daughter, who was being groomed by Avalon. "Sorry we're late."

"Can we go now?" Jane asked. 

"An hour ago, you didn't want to go with us." Novel reminded her daughter, reversing out of the driveway "Any reason for the recent enthusiasm?"

"Avalon will get free stuff." Jane shrugged, kissing Avalon's furry head.

"He always gets free stuff." Novel scratched his chin with her free hand. "What does his highness want this time?"

"A few more cans of cat food, a bow tie for his new tiktok followers and some chocolate bars."

"I thought cats and dogs don't eat chocolate." Samantha glanced at Avalon wearily from the back seat.

"Oh they don't. That last part was for me."

Novel took the long way around, allowing Jane fill in the position of tour guide. She pointed out nice restaurants, not leaving out her favorite pizzeria and other nice spots they'd heard about.

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