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Helping her friend turned out to be more than she'd planned. Once Dana was done soaking her shirt with her tears, Genaëlle helped her pack the little things she needed until she was sound enough to come back and get the rest. That was the good part, the insane part was when the kids woke up, having never woken up to a chaotic house, Gena couldn't stop her jaw from hanging off the ground.

The kids were everywhere, their shoes, and clothes littered her living room. Sierra absolutely loving the latest addition into her household zoomed everywhere with them shrieking after her. Baby number four was bopping to the music Alexa was playing.

Dana on the other hand looked as fresh as a daisy despite the choir screaming off key around the house. "You're awake."

"I wish I wasn't." Grumbling softly, Gena snatched the freshly made short bread on the counter. "Why do they scream so loudly?"

"When they're born, the doctor tells you the first cry is essential in showing off the perfect pair of lungs they own, they don't tell you they'll be screaming the first few years of their life and inner voice sounds like a bad joke."

Gena winced hearing series of high pitched shrieks bouncing off the other. "I think I might run mad if I have to live through this for another hour, when's their bed time?"

"They don't sleep until they've tired themselves out." Dana smiled apologetically. "I'm really sorry for barging in like this under such pitiful circumstances, I'll tell the kids to behave to preserve some sense of normalcy-"

"That's ridiculous." Gena said obviously offended. "They can shriek all they want, hell! They can even form a tiny band and use my walls as drums. My ears can only bleed but I'll get used to hearing their new beats everyday, you deserve a break and I said I was going to help."

"Children aren't really your strong suit." Dana slapped her friends wandering hands from the half empty bowl of cookies.

"I'll learn their ways." Gena stuffed her face with her stolen goods. "You're mean to not share your recipe you know."

"Just like when you shared your famous Bœuf bourguignon recipe?"

"It's one of the many delights of my country." Gena let her accent seep through, making her d sound like z. "Non. There are some recipes that deserve to be kept hidden."

"It's strikingly alike to the Coq au vin dish. I have never tasted something as delicious as those two."

Gena hummed, her finger resting under her chin. "I guess I have to find a day to cook one of those dishes for you."

Dana clapped her hands together in glee. Gena was not fond of hanging around in the kitchen, rarely found in the area during activity except she was planning to steal an already made dish like right now; slapping the sneaky hand of her best friend in the nick of time Dana placed the cookie box under her arm.

"I have four children but go ahead and count yourself in."

Nursing her hand, Gena pouted. "You didn't have to slap so hard besides the second batch looks like it's about ready to be brought out of the oven.

Dana cursed turning to check if the cookies were burnt giving the mastermind enough seconds to snatch the box and make a run for it.

"Well played Frenchie." Dana yelled at her friends back. "I better not see you in this kitchen."

Giggling at her brave feat and the cookie box nestled safely to her chest, Gena rushed up the stairs stopping short in the middle face to face with several eyes trained on the box she was holding.

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