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"Don't ask." Gena shook her head, "I know you want to."

"There's no way you're not telling me how you got Jane's mother in that tiny space, I know tension when I see it and I haven't forgotten the smell of a heated moment Gena." Dana whispered harshly, "The wardrobe isn't even that tight, you can move this part so you can move around easily." Dana moved a section of the wardrobe opening up the space.

Gena tested out what Dana said, thankful they hadn't discovered that when they were poisoned with passion, Dana wouldn't just smell the distinctive scent of sex in the air, she'd have a view of it too. 

"Are you even listening to me?" Dana kicked Gena's leg.

"Yes I am, and irrespective of what you think, nothing crazy happened."

Dana squinted her eyes, pointing a finger at Gena she said. "You have a lot to answer for later, I'll go back downstairs and play the good host, you should do something about your face, you look like you were attacked by lips and roaming hands."

Gena rolled her eyes falling in line behind Dana as she stormed out, branching the bathroom she took one look in the mirror and paused, her eyes were twinkling, her lips were swollen and her hair was out of order, so much for 'nothing crazy happened', she looked like she'd been hit by a tsunami- a feisty one that would have had her on her knees if they had been standing.

No woman had ever made her beg, she knelt for her pleasure and mostly because she wanted to, that wasn't the case with Novel, hmm hmm- Novel didn't need to say anything to bring her to her knees, the moment she kissed her Gena lost all feeling in her legs, inwardly grateful that they were trapped or she'd have seen her in a way nobody had in years.

Blinking back painful memories, Gena splashed cold water on her face and ran her fingers through her hair till she looked presentable. Dana was being a good host since she could hear their laughter from where she was standing, picking out the throaty one mixing with the others, her body reacted to the sounds she knew that mouth could make. she was fucked.

Novel sat on the chair she'd vacated earlier, laughing at the silly things Jane was making Avalon do, she avoided eye contact with Dana like a sinner that had been caught with her pants down- any minute after she'd unlocked that door, Novel knew Gena's fingers would have found a way inside her.

Squeezing her thighs together, she nervously played with her fingers willing her mind to think of anything other than that.

"Are you okay mom?"

Novel smiled at her daughter, "Yes I am, is anything the matter?"

"You look out of it, and I've been calling you for a while." Jane stared worriedly at her mother. "I'm sorry you were locked up with Gena for a while, I know how that makes you feel."

Novel dared to glance at Dana who was openly staring at her, she looked away not a second later. "It's alright darling, it was just a game."

"Yeah I know but maybe that's why you look uncomfortable." Jane dropped Avalon beside her. "We can go home, I can come see him another time."

"There's no need to go home dear." Dana frowned, "I do apologize if my son's actions caused any harm but really you just saw him a few minutes ago take your time."

"Yeah, my mom has her strained feelings about some modern things."

"Old school I see." Dana hummed. "What weird feelings?"

"She gets very uncomfortable when women come too close to her, she won't even kiss her best friend and she's a woman, I'm just imagining how she felt about being locked in with someone she barely knows."

Unrequited LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora