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Dana and Gena went back to work the next day, both dealing with their own problems.

Gena drove silently. Dana stared out the window tapping her phone on her thigh, she hadn't told Gena about David or Lauren. Not knowing if she wanted to or if that information was better left untold she kept on staring at the blurry view outside the window.

They pulled up in front of the Faculty structure soon after. It was drizzling, that melancholic kind that slid down the glass in slo-mo. Gena plucked an umbrella from behind her seat and got out, walking round the car to open Dana's side so they could proceed into the building together.

Silently they trudged past other people running either to their cars or a class, the halls were usually quiet on most days save for one or two people hurrying somewhere, today it was full of people- standing by the sides in groups or singles.

"What is happening?" Dana frowned, it's just a drizzle, why so much drama?

"I have no idea, I have never seen this many people in one place- our place, we don't have this amount of students in the Faculty." Gena folded her umbrella, irritated by the dirt on the side of her shoes, stomping her foot to get rid of most of it.

"Whatever it is that's going on, I pray they hurry it along, I'm anxious for them to leave."

"Same here, the noise pollution rose several notches. You'd think this was a bar."

Dana tsked. "We sound like old bitter women annoyed at the youthful exuberance we can no longer display."

"Aren't we? I sure wish I was five years younger."

"Miss the dumb part?"

"Not in the least." Gena chuckled. "I guess they can be who they are for now, it's all just memories in the end."

"I sure wish I was fifteen years younger."

"Why? Five years sounded greedy even to me."

"Fifteen years so I can unmeet David or be wise enough to never have eloped with him, fifteen is a handful of my wasted life, and David is in the beginning, the middle and hopefully not the end."

"We should probably get to the office." Gena looked at the crowd that seemed to increase by the minute, "This is the perfect setup for a zombie apocalypse."

"Only you can think up the worst possible scenarios." Dana climbed the next staircase, their office was the first one on the right. Offices stretched down the hall till eyes lost count, Gena loved that she didn't have extra miles to walk in heels on bad days, just up the stairs and to the right.

"Want to explain the David hate speech down there?" Gena kicked off her shoes, pressing her feet into the soft rug, "I'm the anti-David squad and you're the 'he's all sunshine and rainbows and I love him' so spill."

"Like you did about Novel."

Gena sighed. "There's nothing there to spill, I don't have anything to say."

"I saw plenty and if Jane wasn't distracted by Avalon, I'm sure she would too. I've never felt such tension in an open space, I felt like there was something I wasn't supposed to witness and if I hadn't stopped whatever was going on, I'd have witnessed something disturbing."

"I'm sure you're exaggerating." Gena fiddled with her coat, wasting time in taking it off. "I barely know her, it's nothing serious, it might have been the air for everybody."

"No wonder you refuse to bring women over, you placed sex-love potions in hidden corners of the house."

"Why aren't you affected then?" Gena asked.

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