Chapter 16 part 1

Start from the beginning

Matias almost hadn't realized that she had slowly lowered him and set him on the ground. Her powers pulled towards her and into her back, her wide eyes never leaving Matias's.

The two stared at one another silently, the only sound coming from the helicopters that had gotten annoyingly close to them.

And then she ran. She ran fast. Within a second Matias was left alone staring at the spot where she had stood only moments before.

Matias's head was fuzzy and he wanted to sit down, but he couldn't. Physically he could, but he refused to give into his aching legs.

He had to find Samuel.

Surprise punched at his brain, trying to make him hesitate. Trying to make him stay standing where he was.

But Matias refused.

He ignored every thought of the new villain, and Meera, and all the dead people around him. And he ran the same direction Samuel had hobbled.

He was exhausted and ready to pass out then and there. Nonetheless, he kept moving. He hadn't seen how far Samuel had gone nor what alley he had turned in, but he wasted no time beginning his search.

Surely he hadn't gotten that far in his condition, right?

Matias raced down the first alley on the left, only going in up to the first turn before turning back around and running back to the street.

He ran across the road and into the next alley. Nothing.

If he thought he hated running when he was running from Guzantee's men, then he absolutely despised it now.

He made his way into and out of multiple different alleys, his heart speeding up every time he found an area empty.

He was nearly out of energy, his steps slowing down and his breath coming in heaves.

He barely managed to jog down another alley. He went right passed a dumpster, nearly missing what he was looking for.


His name left Matias's lips without Matias even thinking about it.

The sight of Samuel's beaten body sitting in a broken looking position made Matias's face heat up with anger, but there wasn't much he could do about it.

Samuels hands were weakly pressed against the wound in his stomach and blood was dripping out of the many cuts across his body.

Matias crouched down close to Samuel. He paused for a moment, unsure of what to do.

Matias's heart ached as he saw Samuel fight to focus his sight, a desperate and almost confused look on his face.

"Can you hear me? Samuel?" Matias almost mumbled

His voice was caught in his throat and refused to come out at any volume above a whisper.

There was no response.

Matias stared at Samuel, frozen. It felt like he had sat there for hours just looking at Samuel, wasting the little time they had. It had only been seconds, but the time passed still made Matias's heart beat faster.

He looked down at Samuel stomach, blood spilling out of it as Samuel was too weak to apply the pressure to make it stop.

He put his own hands down to help but froze, his hands roaming around the wound for a long moment.

He tried to keep his gaze down on Samuels injury, but failed. His eyes flashed up and down from Samuels face back down to his stomach.


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