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Fjodor nibbled on one natcho, since around half an hour, and watched the others sing. Sigma was a surprisingly social person. Not like an extrovert or anything, but he got along with a lot of people easily, despite his rather shy manner.

Nikolai also blended into the group of first years perfectly. With his cards he entertained them while others were singing. But he also didn't shy away from singing, although his voice wasn't actually the best. Not that Fjodor would complain about that. Seeing Nikolai perform and make others laugh, made him admire him even more. That's my boyfriend, he thought with a smile.

"You've gotten very far on that natcho. Or is it the second one already?", Nikolai asked with a grin. Fjodor shook his head. First one still. Eating somehow felt so exhausting lately. "You don't wanna sing?" Fjodor shook his head. Sigma had meant this to be kind of like a get to know the president situation, but in reality, all he did up to now was sit in a corner and nibbling his natcho.

In the past, he had confidence in being with other people, because he knew how to intimidate them and that's all he did. But he had no idea on how to be friendly with other people without losing his face. He still was the feared student council president and although the atmosphere was relaxed, the others' gazes weren't unnoticed by him.

"Aren't you Fjodor Dostojewsky, the student council president?", a girl asked as she sat down next to him. He smiled internally as Nikolai put an arm around him. The girl blinked confused, but went on. "I didn't know you were attending such gatherings. You always seemed so..." - "Unfriendly?", he tried finding a word that fit her sentence. She nodded slowly. Her tone was so formal. "Well, I'm not that much of a social person in general. Sigma invited Kol... Gogol and me. But please feel free to talk to me."

Nikolai laughed. "This is unbelievable. How can two people in a karaoke bar talk so formal? I get he's some kind of intimidating guy sometimes, but actually he's not all that scary." Fjodor pinched him in the side, which made the other squeak. "Stop ruining my reputation, Kolya. I'm still the president after all." Nikolai gave him a brief kiss on the temple, what made the girl next to them blush slightly. "Were not at school, Fyo. And if you want to be Mr. President again next year again, you should learn how to be cool with people. The school is not a parliament."

Fjodor also blushed as Nikolai again kissed his temple. "Oh would you stop that?" Forcefully he pushed him a few centimeters away. Nikolai pouted. "You're mean, Fyo", he playfully said. "Maybe I am, but I'm also having a conversation right now, like you may have forgotten." The girl awkwardly followed their bickering. "You two...are a thing?"

Nikolai nodded without hesitation and Fjodor sighed. This would have come out sooner or later anyway and if he was honest, it actually didn't bother him. There were more prominent things on his mind right now and watching the girl's expression turn from surprise to excitement, this was definitely not one of them.

"Hey, Izumi, did you know the council president is here? And he and Gogol..." The girl bent over to her friend. A second later the Izumi girl also glanced at them. "Why don't you sing for us too?", she asked. Fjodor closed his eyes. "No." The two girls slid a little closer. "Oh please, Mr. President." Nikolai giggled, whereupon Fjodor poked him again.

"No, I can't sing", he insisted. "Sigma!" The first girl waved at the long haired boy. "Come help us persuade your friend to sing!" They pointed at Fjodor and Sigma's eyes sparkled briefly, when she called them his friends. Sigma came over and sat beside Nikolai. "Dostojewsky-San, this would probably boost your reputation for next year's election." Nikolai slapped himself on the forehead. "Didn't I somewhen say you could drop the San? Anyway, I won't do it."

"Oh pretty please, Mr. President." The girls sure had a lot of fun calling him that. Not that he would mind. But he still felt uncomfortable. He didn't want to sing because he knew his voice didn't sound good and the last thing he wanted was embarrassing himself today. However, more and more of the other students got interested in their conversation and stared at Fjodor. "Dos-to-jews-ky! Dos-to-jews-ky!", they started cheering.

"I said I won't!" He stood up and silenced the crowd with one glare. Realizing what he had done, he staggered back, towards the door, and left the room.

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