No I Won't

577 19 17

Tw: swearing again... And violence.

Fjodor was still refusing to hold Nikolai's hand on their way home. How could he make fun of him in front of his junior? How could he take this so lightly anyway? Sure, Sigma wasn't one to spread rumors, at least as long as he didn't tell him to. But still...

"Stop pouting already, Fyo. I'm sorry, okay, I really am. So pleeeease." Nikolai looked at him with puppy eyes. "Stop it. Aren't you embarrassed? Sigma could not be the only one who heard us. Aren't you afraid of the rumors?" As soon as the words left his lips he knew it was dumb. "I could say I got experience in that field." He smirked. "But I guess it's different if you're the king of the school."

Fjodor looked at him with an ironic smile. Very subtly Nikolai's hand lightly touched his. Just a faint movement but it sent a thousand tingles through Fjodor's arm. Angrily he looked at his boyfriend. This wasn't fair play. How was he supposed to stay mad? Sly fingers slid across his palm until they softly rested between his own. Defeated Fjodor let out a sigh. "Fine, you are forgiven", he said, squeezing the other's hand. He was way too soft with him.

When they reached the door to his flat, Fjodor immediately knew something was fishy. He knew that scent lingering in the air. Holding the key in one hand, he tightly held on to Nikolai with the other. "What is it, Fyo?" Fjodor shook his head and glanced at his phone. There had been no reply on his text from the morning. It was not like his father to settle arguments through the phone. And this would most likely end up as one. With slightly shivering fingers he turned the key.

"Welcome home, my dear son. I saw you had some friend over?" Those deep purple eyes curiously investigated Nikolai as they stepped into the living room. "Didn't I tell you I had no time for you?", Fjodor said with a hiss in his voice. His father raised a brow at his tone. "Too bad, I hope we can have some fun another time." He shrugged and passed the both of them.

Fjodor could still feel the warmth of Nikolai's palm in his hand as he held it tight. Then he grabbed his father's sleeve. "No", he said. It was a quiet tone, but unmistakable. "What?" His father turned around.

"I said no, father. I don't want you to ever come near me again." The middle aged man put on a hurt expression. "Quit the acting, Nikolai knows everything. I don't want to see your disgusting face ever again!" Fjodor was thankful for Nikolai behind him, as he leaned on his boyfriend. Those expressionless, deep purple eyes. He couldn't stand them for long. He didn't know if his own gaze was as fierce as he wanted it to be in that moment.

"Oh, so he knows it all?" It was like the white in his eyes started to glow as he grabbed Fjodor by the collar. "And you think telling some other little guy with a broken family will save you? You seriously thought I would just let you be if you tell me to? After trying to murder me?!" The slim red veins around his pupils started to grow more prominent.

Nikolai grabbed the hand that squeezed Fjodor's shirt, but even he looked weak against the grown man. "Piss off!" The man shoved him aside and Nikolai crashed on the floor. "Kolya!", Fjodor screamed. "You f*cking bastard! Do you really think you can go on like this without consequences? I'm gonna show you..." - "What? Trying to murder me again?" Fjodor trembled under the gaze of his father. That same gaze he always used to make people behave his way at school. He was that same disgusting creature. No, he was worse than that.

"Don't give up yet, Fjodor. I know you can fight it!" Nikolai coughed as he got up from the floor. Those eyes, those pure, crystal clear eyes of his. With all his strength, Fjodor kicked his father away and he stumbled against the doorframe. "Brat! You dare to disobey me?!" He charged at Fjodor but Nikolai quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the way.

Furious the old man glared at them. Fjodor quickly grabbed what was closest to him, which happened to be the TV remote, and threw it at his father. It hit the man directly at the forehead, making him stumble back a few steps until he steadied himself again with one hand on the kitchen table. His hand moved to the red spot that had formed on his forehead. He had hit him hard. "This... is gonna have consequences, remember that", he pressed out before staggering out of the door.

Fjodor let out a deep breath and Nikolai grabbed his shoulder just in time so he wouldn't collapse on the floor. Exhausted the smaller one rested his head on Nikolai's shoulder. "Shit!", he cursed. "That damned man didn't say a word." From his pocket he pulled out his phone, the audio recording still working. Nikolai looked at him surprised. "You're a sly fool! You know how dangerous that was?!"

Author's note:
Out of order post again because I finished the fanfic today 😊 it's 47 chapters plus an afterword as always. And I want to give them to you all at once 😭 but I know I shouldn't. Still, I'll may make double posts on my usual days and then I'll see how much is left after Christmas.

LunaMiyazawa 💜

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