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When Fjodor woke up, the first thing he saw was a bunch of white hair. Nikolai had snuggled himself next to him, one arm across Fjodor's belly. As the white haired boy was a lot taller, his feet were dangling over the edge of the bed. Carefully to not disturb him, Fjodor pulled himself out from the other's grip and off the bed. Then he placed the blanket over Nikolai's feet and went to the kitchen.

As beautiful as it had been yesterday in the evening, one romantic moment did not solve the problems they had. The events of the last day still lingered in his mind. Although it hadn't been pretty, Fjodor couldn't deny how he got flustered when Nikolai described him as something worth to speak up for. He let out a sigh and checked his phone. The smile, that had silently appeared on his lips, vanished in an instant.

Will my dear son make some time for me after school? His hand flinched, almost letting his phone fall down. He grabbed it in time. Captivating, deep purple eyes stared at him from the profile picture. Eyes, he had learned to better not disobey. His fingers already typed an approving answer when Nikolai came in.

"Morning, Fyo..." The rest of his name got swallowed by a yawn of his roommate... boyfriend. Fjodor corrected himself in his mind and the smile softly came back to his lips. Until Nikolai stared at the phone in his hand. Immediately he slammed it on the table upside down and went to the cooking area.

"What do you want for breakfast?", he asked. Nikolai looked at him doubtingly. "Who was that? Your dad again?" Fjodor grabbed a pan and some eggs. "Fried eggs? I can also make some cereal if you want." Nikolai's gaze went from Fjodor to his phone and back. Then he went towards the smaller male and hugged him from behind.

"You choose. You know what's best and I'll go with it anyway."

Nikolai was in the next room, changing, when Fjodor sat on front of his phone again. He was thankful Nikolai didn't ask further and he knew he wasn't only referring to the breakfast earlier. He himself needed to do something. He needed to take action.

"You ready, Fyo?" Fjodor chuckled as he put on his shoes. "Since when do you call me that?" Nikolai bowed down a bit and gave him a peck on the cheek. "You smiled so sweetly earlier when I said it." Fjodor blushed and looked away. "That's just your imagination, Kolya", he said pouting. But he didn't refuse. "One sec", Fjodor answered Nikolai's original question, as he grabbed his phone. In one motion he deleted his message draft from earlier and replaced it by two letters. No. The he put it back in his pocket and closed the door.

Sheepishly Fjodor glanced over his shoulder to where Nikolai sat. They had tried to convince the teacher to get back to the old seating order, but he insisted it would stay like this. There were only a few more days in this semester anyway. His gaze met with a pair of crystal clear, two colored eyes a few tables behind. For a moment he could partly understand why Nikolai's parents thought that relationships should only happen after school, since his mind was far far away from whatever the teacher was talking about right now.

Forced patiently Fjodor packed up his stuff and went to his office, directly followed by Nikolai. As soon as the door had closed, they immersed into a deep kiss. "Kolya...", Fjodor whined, as the taller guy pressed him against the door. But when he wanted to retreat a bit, the smaller one buried his hands into the other one's neck, pulling him close again.

"Damn you, Kolya, you startled me there." Nikolai blinked at him innocently when they parted. "I was not the one staring at me during the whole lesson." Touché, he thought. How could a single day change so much anyway?

There was a sneeze behind the door. Fjodor failed to hide his blush as he opened the door. Sigma stood outside the office. When the junior saw them both, his face went red. "I... I didn't want to disturb you... I just... had some preparation files for the next year for you so I thought I might bring them to you but..." He fidgeted with his fingers. "when I heard... noises through the door I was afraid to knock."

Gogol then started laughing, which earned him a death glare from Fjodor. "I don't know what's funnier right now. Our junior hearing us make out or your face, Fyo." The grin spread further on his face until he looked completely like a clown. Fjodor was not far from slapping him in that moment. How could he not be embarrassed?! Sigma just stood there, uncomfortably wiggling with his feet.

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