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Fjodor sat at Dunja's place, watching her struggle with her make up. She had begged Fjodor to come help her get ready before the ceremony. She was already wearing her wedding dress. A white gown, clinging tightly to her body. Delicate lace emphasized her curves and small pearls added the finishing sparkle. Her long, black hair was swirled to a fluffy bun, where the veil got tucked in later.

For the fifth time now she erased the eyeliner. "Aargh! Why can't I get this right? Fedja, help me!", she whined. "Do I look like a makeup artist? Maybe you should have asked a friend of yours to help you here." Dunja pouted. "But I wanted you here." Fjodor sighed, grabbed the eyeliner and drew the worst line those eyes had seen this morning. "Here you go." She laughed.

In the end, Dunja decided that some mascara was enough.

As Fjodor had slept over at Dunja's place last night, he had agreed to meet Nikolai at the church. On the whole ride there, she wouldn't stop squeaking and giggling, then almost crying. Fjodor held her hand until the car stopped. A bitter feeling rose in his stomach, when he saw his dad waiting for Dunja outside.

One more day, just one more. He and Nikolai had decided that he would make his testimony tomorrow, the day after the wedding. He knew how much Dunja loved her father and no matter what he had done to him, those two somehow had a good relationship. He didn't want to ruin her big day like that.

As quickly as possible he snuck out of the car from the other side and vanished into the church before his father even had a chance looking at him. Next to the entrance inside stood Nikolai. He had his hair in his usual braid, but a little more tight than usual, no fluffy tie but a clean turquoise one, fitting his tie and a black suit. For a moment Fjodor just stared at him.

Nikolai stared back at Fjodor, who had his hair gelled back, wearing a bowtie around his neck. "You look... good", Nikolai said at a loss for words and flinched when he realized how plain that sounded. "Well, I mean... erm..." Fjodor smiled as Nikolai was still working on his words. "You look pretty handsome too", he said boldly and Nikolai blushed at the comment.

When all the guests had sat down, the heavy doors of the church reopened. Her hand in father's, Dunja paced down the isle towards her soon to be husband. The young man was waiting in front of the altar, his eyes shining with joy and affection.

Slowly he took the hand from her father's, looking into her eyes as the priest started his speech. Fjodor sat at the end of the bench, Nikolai next to him, watching to keep some centimeters of distance.

"I do", Dunja said, before they finally kissed. Unintentionally Fjodor looked at Nikolai, who caught his gaze. For a moment it felt like they stopped breathing. Slowly Nikolai reached out for Fjodor's pinkie finger and wrapped it around his own.

Why did you look at me like that?", Fjodor asked, when they sat at the buffet later. "Don't know what you mean." The white haired boy shrugged it off with a grin. "Why did you look at me tho?" Fjodor chuckled. "Don't know what you mean." Dunja finally shook off some of the guests, that had gathered around her, and walked towards the boys.

"Having fun?", she asked. Both of them nodded. "And how can you say that, after sitting on your chairs for the last twenty minutes? Get up and go dance!" She grabbed Fjodor's hands and pulled him towards the crowd. Nikolai could see how he panicked. Fjodor never had had a problem with Dunja touching him, but that meant she also had no idea he actually had that problem.

"Not to offend you, but may I have the first dance with him?", Nikolai said, bowing and reaching out his hand to Fjodor. Dunja chuckled at the act. "But only 'cause it's you." Forced by the situation, Fjodor took Nikolai's hand, feeling slight stinges rising in his stomach. It's Nikolai, it's fine, he told himself.

Fjodor felt guilty how he sighed in relief when he could finally let go of Nikolai's hand. Dunja went to dance with a friend of hers and the two boys fled to the restrooms. "You okay?", Nikolai asked. Fjodor didn't answer. He didn't know what to say and just searched for words, when someone appeared in the doorframe. "Good to see you're feeling better, son."

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