The New Student

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When Fjodor entered the classroom, every conversation among the students stopped. Bags were moved aside as he strolled down the alley between the tables to his place in the middle of the room. The spot next to him was always empty. He did not like to have a desk buddy who would disturb his focus. Silently he sat down right before the teacher came in.

"Good morning, class! Before we start with out lesson today, I'd like to introduce you to your new classmate. Come in!" The teacher waved towards the door and a white haired male entered. He was tall and his long hair was braided into one string.

"Hello my lovely new classmates! I'm Nikolai Gogol, but you can just call me Nikolai, no honorifics here! Wanna see a magic trick?" The new one started brabbling right away, even before the teacher told him to introduce himself. Then he made a swift movement with his hand and a rose appeared. "Now, who of you pretty ladies would like to have it?", he said with a wink. The girls giggled.

"Okay, that's enough. If you would please take a seat, Gogol. I would like to start the lesson." The teacher pointed at the empty seat next to Fjodor. Everyone went silent.

"Oh man, do I have to sit next to the small grumpy one?" A slight chuckle went through the class, soon silenced by Fjodor's death glare. "Dostojewsky-kun will show you around later." Nikolai shrugged and sat down next to Fjodor, who unnoticeably moved a bit away.

Nikolai was surprisingly quiet during the lessons, he neither said a word nor did he try to bother Fjodor in any other way.

During the break Dostojewsky showed Nikolai around the school. "Arts and Music classes are on the top floor, sports is outside as you can see from the window..." They were just walking down the hallway, when Sigma approached them. "Dostojewsky-san, I washed your sports uniform and put it in my locker. Here's the second key. Take it when you have time or tell me where to bring it."

Nikolai gave Fjodor a confused look. "Your junior washes your sports uniform?" And towards Sigma: "What are you? His housewife?" The junior didn't answer and just stared at the floor.
"This is none of your concern, Gogol." Startled by the glare in Fjodor's eyes he kept quiet for the rest of the tour.

The next day

When Fjodor entered the classroom, he found a large group of people flocking over his seat, Nikolai's seat rather. The white haired boy was showing some card tricks to the cheerful crowd, when he noticed Dostojewsky.

"Morning, Dos-kun! Wanna see a magic trick?" Gogol flipped his cards around in the air. Fjodor stepped closer to the desk. "Never call me that again! And for you..." He turned his attention towards the other students. "Go to your seats, class is going to start soon." Gogol pouted as the crowd dissolved.

"Maaaaan, why dies history have to be so boring?", Nikolai whined after the lesson. He leaned back in his chair and bobbed back and forth. Fjodor just stacked his papers and put them back in his folder before rising from his seat. "Where are you going now? Grabbing a bite?", Nikolai asked. Fjodor let out a sigh. "Student council meeting", he said shortly, then left the classroom.

"Can I join you? I don't have a club yet and I was on the council in my last school too." Fjodor rolled his eyes when the white haired boy followed him through the hall. "No." Nikolai finally caught up to Fjodor's fast steps and grabbed his arm. "Why? Come on, I'm so bored he..." Dostojewsky quickly shook of the other ones hand and stepped back. "Cut it, you imbecile! Can't you just go annoy someone else?!" Realizing his voice had gotten a little too loud, he quickly cleared his throat to gain come composure again.

"Ohh, you're not a touchy one, huh?" Gogol. Chuckled and put an arm over Fjodor's shoulder. Just to annoy the smaller one even more.

Fjodor could feel his breathing fasten and tried hard to remain his calm on the outside. His mind was focused on the heavy hand resting over his shoulder. Every inch of his brain was concentrated on that touch. He wanted away, just away from this. But he had to keep his image. Nobody was allowed to see him like this. His body tensed up as the panic started to gather in his chest like a knot, getting tighter and tighter, making it hard to breathe. Composure, just keep your face. Do not let anyone see this.

Physical touch was the one weakness he had. The most vulnerable point anyone could reach. And usually nobody dared to.

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