twenty one

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"So basically, Charlotte needs to sign an exclusive contract with MGT to continue this project?" Tina clarifies the term Engfa just said to them in their now-crowded place. All Charlotte's friends, after eating and cleaning the dining area, went to the living area to find out what brought the superstar to their place.

They were all mesmerized by Engfa Waraha. You can see how Heidi and Marima's eyes are shining with the sight they are seeing at the moment. Charlotte can't blame her friends for acting that way, Engfa is just wearing casual clothes but you can still feel that she made those fibers love her. It looks so good on her, whatever she dresses, she can make it look perfectly fair.

Not every day they get a chance to meet and talk with a famous artist, yet Engfa Waraha.

Not every day people get to serve her food that they just tried to cook out of curiosity, hoping that you don't poison her with the mixtures of ingredients found in a local market near your building.

Charlotte, on the other hand, is much more surprised than mesmerized. Engfa's sudden visit to her place and tells the conditions MGT wanted. Charlotte wondered why now. When the actress has a lot of time at her house with the two of them to tell Charlotte about the arrangement the company wants to convey.

And Charlotte thought that Engfa had already left after she drove her home. She saw the car vanishing from her sight.

Charlotte now thinks that Engfa came back for this, did she forget? and only remember that she was supposed to tell Charlotte that information.

She never thinks of Engfa as a forgetful person.

Charlotte looks so messed up right now, she did not even bother to change clothes or fix her hair and dress the moment she went home, she just went straight to the couch and looked at her friend's faces. Now that Engfa is there with them, she can still see Charlotte looking like an unclean rag from the night before. It is so embarrassing that Charlotte secretly combs her hair with her fingers and smells herself.

How she loves her body because she still smells fine, Engfa's shower gel helps too. She smelled sultry and fruity at the same time.

But she really needs to change her outfits as she feels uncomfortable looking like she's going to war.

"Mr. Nawat, the CEO of MGT wanted Charlotte exclusively to be an MGT new artist. It will be both beneficial for Charlotte and my label. We are currently looking for talents." Engfa added. Tina is holding her chin while nodding, thinking about the possibilities of her friend's growing career.

Charlotte can see the small smile forming on her friend-slash-manager's face. They are both thinking the same thing.

This is it, it is happening. Charlotte will be part of the most famous entertainment label in their country where famous artists and personalities came from.

This is the entertainment agency that Engfa Waraha works for, the place that made her known.

"OMG! So, does it mean that Charlotte and you will finally have a GL movie?" Heidi entered the talk between Engfa and Tina. You can see the excitement Heidi is showing with her eyes blinking and sparkling with the desire to see that her ship is finally going to work.

"Actually, the production wanted a series then a movie if we get lots of viewers and sponsors," Engfa said, smiling at Charlotte's friends. You can see on the artist's face that she is also anticipating these events in the future.

Who would not want to see a GL series with Engfa Waraha starring? It was the dream of all LGBTQ+ community, seeing Engfa in a film with what she represents in real life.

And it will be challenging for Charlotte to be the first leading lady of Engfa.

It is nerve-wracking.

"The scripts are on the way, I don't know the storyline yet, but you can trust my team and MGT for a good production," Engfa continued.

"For now, while waiting for the scripts, me and Charlotte will be having multiple brand photoshoots and campaigns to boost her and introduce her more to people," Engfa explained to them.

"You are such a blessing to my friend Charlotte, please take care of her," Marima said this time. Those hopeful eyes are looking at Engfa.

Charlotte is just listening. The words that came from Engfa and her friends are going through her mind. She is silent during the whole conversation, but her eyes are starting to form water. She saw and heard all the excitement and support from her best friends, and she couldn't help but feel so grateful, especially to Engfa, who was behind all of this.

"I won't be worried about that. Charlotte will be safe with me, I'll take good care of her." Engfa answered Marima's request, but Engfa's eyes were directly looking at Charlotte. Penetrating those orbs of black shade towards Charlotte, and if her heart is on loudspeaker? People will hear how loud Charlotte's heart is beating.

And yes, after those sentences, Engfa formed, and Charlotte's tears fell. Like a waterfall, it finally went down to its rightful place.

Charlotte is overwhelmed with these events that happened to her but in a good way. It is such a nice feeling, and she can't help but run towards the person who started this. She embraced Engfa so tight and whispered her gratitude.

"Thank you, p'fa."

Charlotte, just don't care or forget? that her friends are with them, looking at them. All she cared about was how much she wanted to hug Engfa and hope the superstar felt her deep appreciation.

"I know you will grow to be so much more. You are beautiful, kind, and talented. People like you need to be appreciated." Engfa said, also whispering it into Charlotte's ears.

The two, Engfa and Charlotte can't see it, but imaginary butterflies are flying around them in their friend's minds. It is enveloping the two.

They see these moments in live action like a movie or story of people falling in love.

Heidi, Tina, and Marima do not have the heart to ruin this spectacular scene, so they stay there looking at the two people in their multiverse world with a smile plastered on their faces, looking forward to what Engfa Waraha has to offer Charlotte Austin in life.

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