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Charlotte froze, not because of the coldness the air conditioner in the room brought her hair in her nape up but because Engfa was looking at her intensely and despite the distance between them, Charlotte could feel those gazes around the door illuminating.

Engfa saw how the pictures were spread all over the floor—those images that give so much story to tell—that Charlotte couldn't help but pick them up one by one and absentmindedly store them in her head like a recorder.

Surely Engfa and the girl in those photos clearly state that they are in love.

"I'm sorry." That is the only thing that came out of Charlotte's mouth, she wanted to say some more apologetic excuses but she can't, she can not say she did not mean to open it because she did open it.

All she can do is put all the photos back in their boxes, fast.

She should never open it in the first place, she scolded herself, mentally. It is insane how a red boxes can embarassed her like this. It is awkward.

Charlotte is ready to feel the consequences of her curiousity, she just hopes Engfa will not be as scary as her previous drama, where she acted as an antihero who love to hit and kill people. Charlotte doesn't want a slap from the superstar.

"I bought you lunch, you're so hard to wake up." Engfa said, as if dismissing what just happened. Charlotte did not see it a while ago but Engfa is carying a mcdonald paper bag.

Charlotte finally let go of a heavy breath, and suddenly the air changed. Gone the cold atmosphere but a releaved ambiances.

She got none from Engfa. Everything is okay, right? it is better now? It is better than a slap or harsh word from her idol. Charlotte's mind keeps assuring herself and asking no one in particular.

Charlotte wanted to forget what happened, Engfa clearly forgot about it or pretend she did nor mind, but then Charlotte saw that behind those photographs, she knew it meant something to the lady in front of her.

She saw it, even for just a few seconds, how Engfa Waraha's eyes were crying without tears.

Charlotte wanted to ask why? why does that precious heart feels like breaking.

Charlotte wonders if Engfa Waraha is currently dating anyone at the moment. As far as she knows and the public, the superstar is very vocal about her relationship status but she is very private at the same time.

She don't post much about her previous lover on her social media, Engfa will also avoid most of the question regarding her break ups or lover, the actress is so good about it that people think that Engfa likes her love life not to be the center of what her career is.

She remembers those articles she saw on the news last year when Engfa dated one of the most handsome artists their country has to offer and then broke up after dating for six months.
But who is she to ask about what she saw, what she felt? Charlotte decided to push the question down that filing up to her mind.

This time Charlotte might get in trouble if she asks more about it.

But wanting to know more Engfa Waraha is really grasping at Charlotte, now she is wondering who the lady is and what exactly her relationship with the superstar is also topping it.

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