Chapter 10: A Promise of the End (Part 3/3)

Start from the beginning

"There is no ill feelings your majesty. I am simply honoured that you would even consider my thoughts on the matter."

"I suppose that means it will be an early morning for me, Mystral will get crass if Latos isn't on the treaty before next starfall."

Mr. Jackling bowed his head again at Cilvren, turning to leave the king to his duties. 

"One more thing Jackling. Sorry to bother you on your day off like this. Once he's found whatever book he's pilfering, would you help my son find his bedroom? He seems to have forgotten that I grounded him."

Horus hid a smile at the way Adrian's entire body stiffened.

"That is quite alright your majesty, I am headed that ways regardless."

Adrian reluctantly got up, revealing himself from behind the bookshelf as Jackling climbed the ladder to the second level. He greeted his father's smile with a scoff. "Why didn't Vera get grounded? She's always your favourite."

Cilvren chuckled, "Don't be dramatic. Mariel is my favourite, not once has she caused me a headache like you two."

Adrian shot his father a curdling glare, redirecting his distaste to Mr. Jackling as soon as the tutor's shadow reached him. 

"What is your selection tonight Prince Adrian?" Mr. Jackling said, wholly aware of how his height was patronizing the prince.

"Fire shields..." Adrian muttered.

"Admitting defeat?" Mr. Jackling cooed, grabbing a book high up on one of the shelves and skimming its pages.

"Yeah right, I could've blocked every one of those stupid fireballs." Adrian scoffed, folding his arms. "She'll never beat me, cheap crybaby."

"If she's cheap then I suppose you're worthless." Mr. Jackling hushed, sparking on a look of surprise from Adrian as he peeked past the shelf to see if his father had heard.

"Care to repeat that, attendant?"

"Yes, in fact I'll clarify it for you. I wouldn't waste a coin on a brat like you, let alone an entire kingdom." Mr. Jackling continued, dropping the book in his hands. "Chapter six."

Adrian eyed his father again, the man completely engrossed in reading through the documents on his desk. He finally caught the flickers of green dashing around him, the sound block enchantment perfectly encompassing himself and Mr. Jackling, and leaving Horus just at the edge of it as he stared on in confusion. "Nice enchantment." Adrian scoffed. "I wonder what you'd do if I told my father about this."

"I'd suggest that you refrain." His lips curved into a malicious grin. "I wouldn't want to spoil your perfect little world when he agrees. Remember, the mark of a good ruler, is one who can take criticism."

Adrian opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out as he silently stared at the book, obediently following Jackling out of his father's library. There would be time to pay him back tomorrow for his brazen disrespect.


Vera stared at the ceiling, tracing the gold plated vines edging the corners to the chiseled flowers that peppered her ceiling. She couldn't imagine how long it must have taken to carve them all, just for her to look up once in a while and admire them. 

Her gaze shifted when she saw a shadow pass under the crack in her door, followed by a muffled conversation. Sher watched the door as the figure lingered there and moved about for a little while, ready to flatten herself and pretend to sleep at any moment if her mother or one of the maids came in. They were taking longer than usual at the door.

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