I was looking around at the lonely and quiet streets. They had cracks in the rode, the places that used to be here were boarded up and the paint was coming off.

There wasn't much light and I didn't see anyone yet. Where are the aliens?

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I tripped and fell on my face in the street and groaned as I saw I scraped my elbow, and my cheek grazed a sharp rock.

"Ow!" I groaned rolling around on the floor in pain.

Footsteps were heard in the background of my groaning and whining, and I was suddenly tapped on my shoulder.

I jumped slightly, becoming silent.

I sat up and slowly turned around, seeing probably a boy 18 or around that age in front of me with a frown.

"Uhm. Hi," I said awkwardly looking at him. He lifted his head and gave me a small smile. "A-Are yo-u okay? I s-s-s-saw you f-all,"

Looks like he has trouble with his S's. Justin has trouble with his F's, my little babyboy. I miss him so much.

"Oh, nah I'll be fine. You don't happen to have l-like band-aids or something do you?" He furrowed his eyebrows then it's like a lightbulb went off in his head and he quickly grabbed my hand lifting me off the ground.

"C-C'mon! Follow m-e!"

He drug me around corners, and through alleys until finally we reached this huge building. Probably the only big building in this half of the city.

"Where are you taking me?" I groaned as we walked through a metal door. I flinched as it slammed shut behind us, and shivered looking down the dark hallway. "H-How do you know where you're going?" I asked still confused and scared.

"How do I sh-ut you up cause you ask too many que-questions?"

Damn! Aliens got comebacks too.....Shit, I better be nice to this guy.

"That's how you shut me up," I muttered chuckling before finally keeping my mouth shut the whole time through that damn hallway.


We stopped at a door and he put his pointer finger up to his lips meaning for me to be quiet.

He pushed open the door and told me to stay outside of it. "F-ather?" The boy asked, I heard shuffling before a scary, deep voice answered him.

"Yes Brooklyn?"

Oh, Brooklyn must be his name. Good thing to know.

"I h-have a hum-human-" I heard a loud growl so I peeked in the doorway seeing Brooklyn with his shoulders slumped, and his head down.

"David," A woman scolded Brooklyn's dad who's name I'm guessing is David. "Let him finish before you yell at him and make him upset, okay?" David sighed but nodded, giving into the woman.

"T-thanks mo-mommy," Brooklyn smiled at the woman and David rolled his eyes. "Continue son," Brooklyn nodded.

"The-The m-mean May-or br-brought h-er here last ni-ght and I was making s-s-u-re no bad aliens har-harmed her. All I d-id wa-s g-o p-p-otty, I didn't th-ink she w-would hu-rt herself." David sighed looking over at Brooklyn.

"So, what happened?" He said kind of annoyed. "She-She scraped her el-b-ow and h-it her ch-cheek on ro-ck." David nodded. "You may bring her in," I moved my head back and out of the doorway as Brooklyn came back in the dark hallway where I was.

"C-'mon," He grabbed my upper arm and led me in the room. I kept my head down the whole time, afraid of what David, Brooklyn's father, would do to me.

I was practically shaking. I've never actually been by more than one alien. That one alien being Justin.

"D-Do-n't be af-raid," Brooklyn chuckled and then I heard foot steps. I looked up seeing David directly in front of me, I jumped back, frightened of him.

"Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you." He laughed, I furrowed my eyebrows and his wife walked over.

He was pretty hot for his age....

"Hi I'm Victoria, Brooklyn's mom." she happily introduced herself. "What's your name darling?"

"Mia," I smiled brightly at her. She nodded, "Now what happened here?" She asked gently touching the cut on my cheek. I winced and she apologetically smiled at me.

"I'm sorry darling, let's get those cuts cleaned up and bandaged," I nodded following her to a room in the back.

There, she pulled out a first aid kit, which means bandages and alcohol.
That shit burns.


We stopped outside a big pretty building. It reached the sky! It was so cool I was the first out the car and I looked up at it.

What if it fell on me?

I whimpered backing up but ran into someone. "Ouchie!" I cried as I fell on my booty. "Oh, whoops. Sorry man," Anthony helped me off the ground.

"I-It's okay, J-ustin not m-mad," I giggled and followed behind them as we entered the building. "Okay Justin don't touch anything." I nodded not really paying any attention to what whoever was saying to me.


"Jeez Justin did you have to accidentally trip and knock all the papers out of the Mayors second in command? And unplug the lights?" Sydney shook her head at me.

"I-It was an ac-cident!" I cried out as we entered a big metal box. It moved up and it was clear so I could see out the metal box, I could see lights and cars zooming down streets.

It was pretty.

I heard a loud 'ding' and flinched covering my ears. "C'mon Justin," I turned around watching the metal box doors shut and raised my eyebrows at how weird that thing was.

I wanna get in it again!

"Why the hell are their chains?"

Oooo he said bad word! I didn't wanna tell Cade anything though cause he looked really mad and focused.

"M-aybe he tie-d s-ome-one u-up with I-it," I suggested. Their heads all turned to me and I cowered away, thinking I did something wrong.

"Your probably right, maybe he did. But is that person Mia he tied up? And if it was where the hell did she go?"

So many questions we don't have answers too.

It makes me sad. And I'm starting to feel really weak not having Mia around. Its almost been 48 hours I think.

And that's not okay.

There was a 'ding' noise behind me so my only instinct was to turn around.

"So your Mia's little alien? Time to get rid of you too." I growled at the man.

"Where did you take Mia?"


I have to thank you guys for reading, commenting and voting for my story 💜💜

It means a lot and keeps me motivated to keep going for you guys ☺️ So keep up the good work and more chapter will be published in return 😉

Much love, Mia ❤️❤️❤️

The Great Divide // Justin Bieber Alien Where stories live. Discover now