17: full moon in aries

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October dawned across the campus and the moon was in it's peak of brightness. The Full Moon Fest was going to be happening on this night and students were on the edge of their seats ready for the festivites at night.

As soon as afternoon tea begun, many students were rushing through the chambers and halls to get to their dorms and get ready. Serena was getting pushed from side to side like a pinball in a pinball machine.

Lizzie grabbed her hand suddenly.

"Oh my goodness! You looked like a lost puppy!"

"What's going on?"

Lizzie lead her through the crowd.

"Tonight is the Full Moon Fest, and this one is going to be the most anticipated in a long time. For you know, first of the month and the first full moon in the school year. Save for a few supernatural beings who won't be able to attend, but nonetheless! All of us will be there."

The two of them walked out of the main building and to Zenska.

"The Festival is supposed to start at 6:30pm which gives us about 3 hours to prepare."

"What do we need to prepare for?"

"Your outfit and you may need to bring some currency with you. Did your family ever teach you about our currency?"

Serena laughed.

"Wow, there really is so much there is to being human."

"Oh." Lizzie looked away. "I have some spare change I can give you. No worries!" She immediately snapped back to her happy go lucky self.

"It's fine. I want to know how you can earn currency."

"Currency can either be obtained by gifts or by working a job. It could be in a library or in a bakery. Sometimes, even cleaning and other side jobs as well."

"That doesn't sound too hard now."

"As you get older, it becomes more difficult. That's what I heard."

"I understand." She didn't.

Lizzie and Serena walked into Room 210 and saw Aubree and Claudia already getting ready.

"Is there a pre-festival or something?" Serena tilted her head.

"Sometimes, there's lines to get in. Which is weird because the Fest is going to be in the largest garden on the campus." Claudia was applying lip gloss.

"And plus, we all have magic. We could do something to the guards or teleport into the garden." Aubree was deciding between shirts.

"But then, we'd get in trouble." Lizzie sighed.

"What is the dress code for this Fest?" Serena asked.

"Casual but cute." Lizzie was already going through her closet.

"Something that's fashionable but not too fancy. No ball gowns." Claudia looked at her.

"Alrighty." Serena opened her closet and examined what she could wear. Most of her clothes were white, some were ivory and there was a little pink in there as well.

She found a short white dress that looked almost like a long top and a gray cardigan hidden in the back of the closet.

Serena changed into the outfit and looked in the wardrobe mirror.

"That's cute." Aubree just changed as well.

"Thank you! Does it seem too short?"

"I think the dress comes with safety shorts, so nobody will get an idea."

Serena found a pair of short white booties and a choker that was made of ivory lace. 

By the time she changed and styled her hair in a simple way, which was down, all of the girls were ready and they headed down to the large garden.

6:30 just came about and everybody who was gathered at the gate of the garden walked in and the garden that was once peaceful and quiet was full of lights, booths of vendors, and music playing from somewhere.

All of the girls were together and they marveled at the sight of the lights. Serena even did a little twirl while the music was playing. 

A soft guitar melody played through and it gave the festival a dreamy atmosphere.

The sky was now pitch black and the moon was starting to rise in the air. Serena felt herself bask in the moon, she felt rejuvinated and at peace. 

Her and her roommates started to dance as the guitar melody started to go from soft and slow to more energetic and more instruments gathered around the guitar. A crowd of people were starting to form around the band area and people were dancing. Serena danced with Lizzie for a little.

"I need to get a drink. I'll be right back."

"OK!" Lizzie continued dancing and started to mingle with Claudia and Aubree.

The thing was that Serena didn't know where to get a drink, but she was parched. So many booths lined her way, and she strolled down the alley of booths all until she noticed a glimmer of sparkles shining down her way. She looked up and felt herself slowly levitate upwards until she was on a small balcony connected to a tower and Nikolai was facing out into the view, facing the side of the garden that had no light or sparkle.

"Nikolai?" She looked at him.

He was sipping a cocktail that shimmered a neon shade of pink. Swirling the pink liquid around the glass and taking one more sip.

"Zesty." He said.

Serena just inched closer to him and was next to him, looking out into the view.

He noticed that she got closer to him.

"I didn't think you would be one for exotic cocktails. You struck me as an ale kind of guy."

Nikolai chuckled.

"Yes indeed. I'm normally not a guy with a sweet tooth, but I do love fruity little drinks."

"What's in that drink?"

"You wanna take a sip? I know you were looking for a drink."

"If you're fine with that."

He gave Serena the cocktail and she sipped it. A large variety of tastes flowed through her tastebuds.

"What does it taste like?"

She thought about it.

"Cherries. Wine. Rosemary. Thyme."

He laughed.

"You're correct."

They looked out to the full moon and suddenly, a light shower started to gleam across the sky. 

"It's beautiful." Serena was in awe.

Nikolai didn't look at the star shower, but saw Serena's eyes glimmer in the pale moonlight.

"You know, it is actually. But, not as beautiful as you, my dear."

Slowly and secretly, he closed the distance between him and Serena and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She laid her head on his arm and he started to play with her hair.

When Serena got up, she was suddenly spun into Nikolai's arms. Her body was wrapped around his in a way that not even a whisp of air could seep through.

She felt her lips take control as Nikolai's lips closed the distance between them.

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