Turned On

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Y/n x Sophia Smith

*Y/n's pov*

It was the 4th day of camp. Me and Sophia are roommates this camp, we were at weight lifting I was working out when I feel eyes on me. I look over and see Sophia checking me out, I was kneeling on the bench doing curls. Sophia's eyes were glued to my ass, I smirk and give it a little shake. Sophia bites her lip and adjusts her shorts, I smirk she was definitely wet. I finish my set, I sneak up on Sophia when she isn't looking. I smirk and lean down next to her ear.

"Were you enjoying the view baby?" I nip on her ear lope and kiss her neck.

her breathe hitches she blushes darkly and nods. "Y-Yes you have a great ass."

I smirk. "Mm you aren't so bad yourself love."

I finish messing with her and walk away leaving her to work out extremely flustered and turned on. I grab new weights and continue my work out. Sophia was still watching me, I smirk and follow her eyes. her eyes were glued on my crotch, she was biting her lip. Sophia shakes her head and continues to work out.

another hour goes by and we end our work out session. Me and Sophia go back upstairs to our room. I grab my key to the room and unlock the door, I open the door for us and we walk in the room. I close the door behind us and lock it.

Sophia plops down onto her bed. I giggle when she does this.

"Your so dramatic." I say teasing her.

"Shut up I am not." Sophia mumbles into the pillow.

I smile and shake my head, I grab new clothes and go into the bathroom and close the door. I start the shower and strip my clothes. I get in the shower, I stand under the water and close my eyes as the water runs down my body soaking my hair and body. I grab the shampoo, I wash my hair and rinse my hair.

I hear a knock on the door. "Yeah? come in its unlocked." I ask.

I hear the door open, I peak through the curtain and poke my head out. I see Sophia standing there. she blushes darkly when she sees me poke my head out.

she clears her throat and rubs the back of her neck. "Some of the team is going out to go shopping did you wanna come?" Sophia asks.

I smile and nod. "Yeah sure, I'll come with. I'm almost done." I say.

"Okay cool I'll text the girls and let them know." She says and leaves the bathroom. I hear the door close.

I wash my body and rinse my body off. I turn the shower off, I step out. I dry off and get dressed. I come back into the room.

"Bathroom is all yours." I tell her.

Sophia smiles and nods, I left my boxers in the bathroom on purpose to tease Sophia. Sophia grabs new clean clothes and goes into the bathroom. she closes the door, she starts the shower. My phone pings.

Sophia: You are such a tease. *Picture of my dirty sweaty boxers*

Me: Shit sorry didn't mean to leave those in there.

Sophia: Mhm sure, I left mine on my bed. give them a sniff daddy 😘

Me: Go shower you dork. Don't want to keep the girls waiting.

I hear the shower start, I turn on the tv and wait for Sophia to finish getting ready, I hear the shower turn off. 5 minutes later the door opens and Sophia comes back into the room.

"Ready?" I ask her.

"Ready." she replies.

we grab our keys, we put our shoes on and leave the room and meet the girls in the lobby. we leave and go to the nearest mall, we start shopping Sophia walks along side me. As me and her walk along side each other every now and then our hands brush against each other. Our pinkies touch every now and then as we walk.

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