Instead of words, she wrapped her arms around him in a warm, comforting hug, unconcerned about her wet clothes.

Jimin held onto her tightly, his tears soaking her shoulder,

"You should have let me die!" he cried more while she just soothed him and tried to calm him down.

jimin finally detached before smiling at her, grateful for the support he so desperately needed.

she walked out without saying a word letting jimin have a little space,Jimin retreated  to his room, donning a robe with a towel wrapped around his head as he prepared to get dressed in the clothes the maids had carefully arranged for him.

Today was destined to be another hectic day, but he determinedly pushed aside his troubling thoughts.

He applied a layer of foundation to hide the dark circles under his eyes, aware of his father's unrelenting expectation for him to maintain an impeccable appearance.

Though Jimin was undeniably exhausted and battling a high fever, he understood all too well the consequences of defying his father's instructions.

Ignoring the maids and the two vigilant bodyguards stationed outside his door, he hurriedly descended the opulent, golden stairs.

On his way out, a maid handed him his daily apple, to which he responded with a gentle and fast smile, causing her to blush.

With the apple in hand, he made his way towards his waiting limousine, instructing the chauffeur, "Sebastian, drive."

As the car engine roared to life, Jimin started to eat his apple, his gaze fixed outside the window, taking in the beauty of the world.

He watched the birds soar freely against the backdrop of the tinted sky, the vibrant green grass, and the tall trees giving the place more light, carefree children playing around.

The aroma of coffee wafted through the air, enticing his senses.

His attention shifted to the children crossing the road with boundless enthusiasm, while their mothers chased after them with laughter.

Each of them wore beaming smiles that radiated pure joy.

This heartwarming scene brought a flicker of warmth to Jimin's heart, causing a brief smile to grace his lips, even though he quickly suppressed it, reminded of how far his own childhood had been from such carefree happiness.

As he stepped out of the car, the intense sunlight blinded him momentarily, but he quickly donned his sunglasses, shielding his eyes.

As he made his way to his class, he couldn't help but notice the envious stares and the occasional expressions of admiration from his classmates.

The sound of girls screaming and squealing didn't faze him, and he continued toward his destination.

However, just when he thought he could escape unscathed, Karina abruptly clung to him, exclaiming,

"Jiminie, how are you doing?"

Jimin scoffed, looking away, and replied in a chilly tone

"I was fine before you came here."

Karina felt the sting of hurt from Jimin's response, but her determination to be there for her fiancé didn't waver.

She looked at him, her voice soft and filled with concern as she said

"Jiminah, you should stop crying so much. I promise things will get better."

She extended her hand, intending to touch his tired eyes, but Jimin's reaction caught her off guard.

He swiftly and aggressively grasped her wrist, his voice sharp, as he snapped

"Mind your own business and stop invading my space."

He pushed her hands away and entered the classroom, leaving Karina standing there, her heart heavy with his rejection.

Karina's smile remained despite Jimin's harsh words.

She watched him enter the classroom, her heart aching for him.

"I wish I could genuinely make you happy," she whispered softly to herself, her eyes filled with concern.

She adjusted her skirt and headed towards the infirmary to tend to her wrist, which still stung from his grip.

As she contemplated what lie to tell her father to ensure Jimin wouldn't get into trouble again, she was determined to protect him and shield him from any further consequences.


Jimin walked to his usual spot in the classroom, offering a respectful 90-degree bow to the teacher before taking his seat.

He couldn't help but notice the new guy's persistent stare, but he remained unfazed, shifting his gaze and maintaining his cold, stoic expression.

The teacher rapped the desk, demanding the students' attention.

With an encouraging smile, she introduced the new student, gesturing for him to say something.

The boy, unfazed by the audience, simply shrugged and boldly introduced himself, "Well, my name is..."


Tragic love is back on track after being deleted.

Vote <3


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