EWB 37

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I always thought New York was this big place.

Not even the State, just the Tourist Destination New York. The City of New York. The New York, New York from that one song my grandparents liked listening to when I was a kid.

So you would not believe how, of all places, I ended up in here with Caleb.

But wait, there's more.

Not only did he live in the same place, in the same apartment building as one of my friends, but now, I'm interning at a firm that is currently handling the suit filed against the firm where Caleb is working for.

It's actually really crazy if you think about it.

You could go to the ends of the earth, yet somehow, the universe wants us to end up in the same place.

Don't get me wrong though, things with him are becoming... friendly again.

I mean I don't have a problem with it.

But I hope my boyfriend doesn't too.

And hopefully, I hope nothing that would make my boyfriend have problems with it happen.

Other than the whole Caleb thing though, things are going fine.

I'm having a great time interning at one of the corporate firms in the city. One step closer to my dreams, I guess.

Days passed, and all I did was go to class, go to the internship, go home, and repeat. It was becoming a cycle, and as boring as it sounded, I was already getting a glimpse of my future, and I wasn't complaining a bit.

Yes, it does sound boring as fuck, but that's what life gets you right? It wouldn't be fun if there weren't parts of it that were boring.

And for some reason, I was just going with the flow and enjoying stuff.

Anyways, today is a Friday. My friends and I already made plans to go out tonight and de-stress.

This week has been filled with quizzes and work, and recitations, and we badly needed this night out. It was literally the only thing that kept me in a somewhat good mood to start the day, even with the lack of sleep. I did spend the whole night reading for my class today and only had a couple hours of sleep.

Skipping through the dreadful day, after finishing the workload the firm gave us (which we all made sure to get done as soon as possible, by the way), we finally left the firm and went home so we could get ready for our night out.

We weren't gonna do anything crazy, just going out to a bar and getting some drinks.

Honestly, we are only 20-something people, yet somehow we are already too tired to do something that involved moving. No matter how fun and alcohol-filled it was.

On the first round of drinks, we all just ranted about how stressful law school was getting. Nothing special.

By second round, some of them were already getting into debates about very political stuff.

I mean I could get political too, but I wasn't in the mood to get into their debate, so I just sat there with everyone else and sipped my drink as we watched our friends.

By third round, everyone was starting to get tipsy.. but not to the point that we'd do something crazy. You know what I'm talking about.

When you start feeling like you're floating but you could still walk fine.

While we were separated into two groups with two different discussions, Jake got up and excused himself from the table for a bit, leaving me and Christina to continue our conversation.

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