EWB 23

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A couple more days before homecoming. I told myself as I looked at the calendar in my room before leaving.

Homecoming was coming around, and the only person that I wanted to go with has not asked me yet.

I sighed. I didn't wanna go to that stupid shit anyway. It was all stupid, and me waiting for him to ask me was... equally stupid.

I groaned and just went straight to school.

The distance from my house to my school wasn't that far, and walking the distance definitely gave me some time to think.

And as I approached the school, my heart started skipping a beat as soon as I saw him walk inside the school.

And that's when the random thought of me asking him to homecoming struck me. My entire body started to get excited... and anxious at the same time as my palms started to sweat. Shit. Would he even agree to go with me? I mean I get that he said he had plans of getting a girlfriend, but as far as I know, that hasn't happened yet, so maybe I could still ask him? God, this is torture.

I shaked my hands and took a deep breath, before deciding to finally walk across the school's front lawn as I rehearsed what I was gonna say.

Before I could fully enter the front door however, I hear someone calling me from behind so I turn around, only to be met by Dennis Hart, the hottest sophomore ever. Dad was co-workers with his dad, and considering that we were around the same age, we were basically stuck with each other whenever dad had some work thing that involved bringing their families.

Almost everyone in my class and his grade had a thing for him.

He was cool, funny, smart, and nice. On top of all that, extremely sweet.

"Hailey, hey!" he said with a huge grin all over his face as he caught up to me. He slightly bit his lip and looked straight at me.

"Hey so, are you... going to the homecoming?" he asked as he tried to maintain his cool, but I didn't think much of it. I was trying to keep my cool as well while trying to look subtle with passing glances at the other side of the hallway.

"Uh yeah. Maybe? I don't know, maybe if someone asked me I guess?" I answered, making him let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, great! B-because I was thinking... that maybe you'd wanna go with me?" he asked, but majority of that started to fade along with every single background noise the moment my eyes caught what was happening across the hallway by the lockers, and all of a sudden my eyes had a 20/20 vision.

Elaine Beasley handed Caleb a rose, who took it and smiled back at Elaine. Then, Elaine said something that made Caleb laugh before she playfully hit him in the arm, slowly slid her hand down, then gave Caleb a flirty wave before walking away with Caleb watching her the entire time. And as soon as she was out of sight, Caleb looked at the rose, took a deep breath, then turned around and faced his locked as he looked at his watch.

Was Elaine Beasley... the girl that Caleb wanted to make his girlfriend? Are they going to the homecoming together??

But more importantly... was I too late?

"Hailey?" Dennis said as he looked at me with a worried look all over his face, catching my attention again, and that's when I realized that he had just asked me to be his date to the homecoming.

"I'm sorry, I completely... spaced out. I haven't gotten any sleep last night" I told Dennis as I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping he'd buy it "But uh... did you just ask me to be your date to the homecoming dance?"

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