EWB 19

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Me?!? Jealous?!? Why the hell would I be jealous?! Stupid ass mf.

It's not like I was in love with him or anything for me to be jealous. Jesus Christ.

I mean, okay. Yes. I unfortunately caught feelings for the devil incarnate, and yes, the damsel in distress was extremely gorgeous and definitely on a higher tier than me.

But was I jealous?

As if!

So I flash him a sarcastic smile as I tiptoed until we were almost eye level.

"I would personally rather set myself on fire than be jealous" I tell him before the elevator doors open and I fast walk out of there and head to my apartment as fast as I could, like I didn't have a massive headache from all the drinking I just did earlier that night.

But as soon as I closed my door, my heart started racing and it felt like my chest was getting heavier by the minute that it was getting harder to breathe.

God, I absolutely hate Caleb for making me feel like this, to be honest.

I closed my eyes for a bit as I leaned on the door until I managed to calm myself. For some reason, I was frozen on my spot and I couldn't let go of the door handle without shaking.

As soon as I heard Caleb's apartment door close, I took a deep breath.

I only had a couple of hours before my flight back home and I still had to pack my shit, and thinking about Caleb and his damsel in distress was going to make me miss my flight, so I headed to my room and started packing.

The flight was gonna be for a couple of hours so I figured I'd just get my sleep by then.

And hopefully, I wasn't in the same flight was Caleb's.

It would be more tolerable if Casey was there, but considering that she had other plans for the weekend, being on a five-hour flight back home with my best friend's annoying twin was going to be brutal. Especially with my massive headache, which slowly seeping back into my system as I thought about Caleb.

My parents didn't know that I was surprising them by coming home for thanksgiving so as soon as I arrived at the airport, it was Hans who was waiting to pick me up.

I mean technically my parents knew I was coming home for the weekend. They just didn't know that I was coming a day early.

"You could've just told mom and dad that you were coming home, then maybe we wouldn't have to wait for an uber to come around" Hans told me as he took my bags off my hand. I rolled my eyes at him. Ladies and gentleman, my asshole brother was a gentleman.

"You don't get it so shut up" I told him as we stood outside the airport, and now it was his time to roll his eyes.

As we waited for my uber booking to get accepted however, from the side of my eye I see Hans scrunch his eyebrows and stare at something on my far left.

"Is that Caleb?" he says, instantly freezing me on my spot as my chest begins to pound again.

And if that wasn't enough, Hans starts calling him out until Caleb finally heard him.

And if you thought that was it, boy you are so wrong. Because as soon as Caleb saw us, he started walking towards us and I was now having a hard time breathing the closer he got to us.

"What's up, Hans. How's high school going?" Caleb asked as he shook my brother's hand.

"It's going great so far" Hans said "You waiting for an uber too?" 

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