Chapter 24: Half Dom, Half Doctor

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 "You're going to like this part." He squeezed her right nipple between two fingers and she gasped, crying out in both pleasure and pain. "Ah!"

"Shhh..." He hushed her. "Just because you're in my office, doesn't mean I won't gag you."

She firmly bit down on her bottom lip and whimpered, holding back another moan as he squeezed her other nipple. Pleasure radiated down to her toes and spread through her core, wanting him to continue, to use his mouth even.

"No discharge," he noted, as he resorted to speaking in that sexy silky whisper that made her tremble all over. "Tits are nice, hard and healthy. Color and size are normal, no irritation or swelling. Now, Amy, I'm going to feel these pretty babies of yours for any lumps."

Her eyes fell shut with a moan as he said her name, her whimpers continuing as he began to examine her breasts themselves. He started with the right. Beginning at the outer edge of it, he moved his fingers in slow small circles from her arm pit and around to the other edge of her breast, near her collarbone, feeling the tissue beneath with medium pressure. "Oh doctor..." She breathed. "You're going to make me come."

His hand froze. "You better not, because you know damn well it'll cost you."

Shit. When he was touching her like this, she was almost willing to take that risk...almost. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip as his fingers moved inward in their rubbing, making dime sized circles over her areola, around her hard and sensitive nipples. ", sir..." She moaned, arching her back off the table as her pleasure increased along with the ache between her legs. "Your hands are amazing...they're driving me crazy."

Eric chuckled softly. "They are and I can tell. No lumps. I should test their strength..." He took her breast in his whole hand, his fingers splaying around it as he gave it a few good and firm squeezes.

Amy's moans continued as she opened her eyes and met his own, the determination, the attentiveness in those light eyes, the pensive wrinkling of his forehead sending another tremble through her body. His gaze never left her face. She sucked in a breath through her teeth. "How are they, doctor? Are they normal?"

He smiled softly. "Very. At least this one is." He pulled his fingers in, dragging them to her nipple and giving it another squeeze. She made a tiny squeak, her inner walls clenching. "Now let's get a feel of this one," he whispered so silky and smoothly. His hand moved to her opposite breast, squeezing the hardened nipple.

She tilted her head back and groaned in pleasure.

"Nipples are responding well to stimulation," he noted. His fingers began to rub those same small but firm circles around her breast, starting at her arm pit and then making its way around to the other side.

Sighing softly, she looked up at him with lust in her eyes. He seemed to be more intent on watching her face than the movement of his fingers over her skin, a ghost of a smile consistent on his handsome face. "I've never had a breast exam before, doctor," she said softly.

He blinked, brows arching in surprise, forehead wrinkling in the process. "Never?" She shook her head. "Well it's a good thing I'm giving you one now."

Her eyes fell shut once more as she vigorously nodded her head. "Mmhmm..."

"There doesn't appear to be any lumps in this one either." He managed to pull another whimper from her as his fingers rolled over her areola. "I hope you're this well behaved when I open you up and get inside that pussy, Amy, because that's what I'll be doing as soon as I'm finished here."

Her breath hitched, eyes snapping open in a flash, the monitor increasing it's beeping with the sudden and slight elevation of her heart rate. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing seemed to be coming out.

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