Chapter 10: Like A Caged Animal

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She stirred at the silky voice that called out to her, moaned faintly, but did not awaken. In fact, she just settled in and went right back to sleep.

"Wake up!"

The shout shook her awake, her heart pounding erratically as she bolted up in bed. "Shit! You scared me."


She pressed her hand to her chest and blinked a few times, attempting to adjust her eyes to the light in the room, rubbing the heels of her palms against them. When her vision cleared, she looked up and saw Eric standing there, his arms behind his back and from the look on his face, he was less than pleased with her. He had changed his clothes and was now wearing a white V-neck shirt and some gray pajama pants. "Sir?"

" you remember what I told you to do earlier?"

She blinked a few more times, a pensive expression crossing her face, searching her memory.

What had he...oh shit! Oh god, oh no! Oh no, no, no, no...

Amy winced, her palm going to her face. "Shit..."

"Exactly. What time did I tell you to report to me?"

"Midnight, s-sir."

"And what time is it now?"

She snatched her phone and checked the time, her eyes widening in horror. "It's a quarter to one!" Looking up at him apologetically, she shook her head. "I'm so sorry, sir. I fell asleep. I didn't plan on it, it -"

Before she had a chance to finish pleading her case, he grabbed a fistful of her hair and shoved the side of her face against the mattress. Amy screamed in pain, but her cries were silenced by his gorgeous masculine hand clamping over her mouth. "I don't want to hear it," he sneered. With his other hand, he yanked the robe from her body in one swift tug, his palm instantly connecting with her ass.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

"Bad girl!" He snapped.

She cried and whined against his hand while squirming against the bed, all the pain from her previous punishment rushing back to her as he kept going, his hand bouncing from one cheek to the other. At least he wasn't wearing his belt this time.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

Even if it wouldn't do her a damn bit of good, she still attempted to apologize to him, even if her words only came out as muffles against his hand. A few fresh tears rolled down her cheeks, sinking into his skin, but she doubted he even noticed.

Smack! Smack!

She whimpered and groaned, shutting her eyes tightly, wanting desperately to fight him, to kick and scream, to reach for that ice pack, but she knew it would cost her even more. That would probably be reason enough for him to get up and go for his belt. No...bad idea.

"And because of your disobedience, I've reserved a special place for you to sleep tonight."

Amy froze, suddenly falling silent at his implication, the smug tone in his voice causing a chill to dance down her spine. A special place for her to sleep? Oh god. Where would it be?

Pulling away from her, he turned and grabbed something from the table beside the bed. She sniffled softly, wiping the tears from her eyes and sitting up, looking up at him. Seeing the things in his hands, she blinked, eyes widening in astonishment, her brows furrowing inquisitively. He held a thick black leather collar with silver hooks and a leash. "On your knees." He commanded.

Holy shit. What was he going to do to her? She wasn't a dog, or even a pet. But she had a feeling that he would beg to differ. Had those things been there the whole time? No, impossible. He must have brought them in with him. Despite her hesitation, Amy did as he said and slowly lowered herself to the carpeted floor, kneeling before him and dropping her head in submission, hands on her thighs. The next thing she felt was the leather collar, slipping around her neck, her hair being brushed aside before he fastened it with a click.

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