Chapter 1: Her Arrival

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     "Are you sure this guy won't mind me staying in his apartment for the weekend?" Amy Gellar inquired into her cellular, the soles of her boots clacking against the lobby's linoleum floors as she wheeled her leopard print suitcase along behind her.

She cringed, the sound of her boots echoing around her so loudly, she nearly started walking on her tip toes instead. "Because you were the one who was supposed to be babysitting his place, not me," she added.

"It's not babysitting," Courtney said. "Babysitting is what you do with a kid. This is an apartment, no, wait...condo, in the expensive part of town so it's gotta be pretty huge. And as long as someone is there, I don't think it matters."

"Well you're lucky I need the money..."

"And a mini vacation, away from everything that reminds you of Andrew. You stay laying around here, everything is going to remind you of him. A change of scenery will be good."

Amy winced, the memory of her break-up taking a metaphorical stab at her heart. "Yeah...I know." Her steps slowed as a dark haired and beady-eyed woman looked up from the desk across the room, quickly averting her gaze down when she saw her on her cell phone. Probably assuming she was busy and therefore, refusing to interrupt her. She sighed softly, turning away from the desk.

"Are you there yet?"

"Yeah, but only to the lobby. I'm going to get the key now."

"Alright. Well call me later and let me know everything. Take pictures of his place and text them to me."

The two exchanged a giggle. "I will," she said. "Have fun with Zack."

"Zack?" Courtney scoffed. "Please, I got the apartment all to myself now. I don't need big brother to look over my shoulder or babysit me."

"Fine, don't miss me."

"Oh shut up, you know I will. You'll be living the good life for the next three days and I'll be stuck in this run down dump."

"Not really. I'll be alone too. Unless this guy comes back early, which I hope to God doesn't happen."

"Oh come on, you never know, he might be cute."

Amy giggled. "If I'm lucky, but it's probably better not knowing what he looks like. Ignorance is bliss, right? He's probably like forty or older with a movie star wife, one of those big CEO guys or something."

"Probably, but at least we know he's a non-smoker so no foul stench included in the brochure."

Amy snorted. "Thank God for that."

"Well I'll leave you alone to go explore your new home now. Good luck."

"Thanks. I'll see you Monday."


Ending the call, Amy shoved her cell phone into the back pocket of her dark denim True Religion jeans as she stepped towards the front desk.

The woman looked up expectantly. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, I'm apartment sitting for the weekend, the condo on the tenth floor. I think the guy's name is..." A pensive expression crossed her face as she looked towards the ceiling.

"Mr. Masters? Eric Masters?"

She froze, her eyes filling with recognition. "Right, Eric Masters."

The woman nodded her head with a smirk. "Mr. Masters, of course." Averting her gaze down to the Rolodex calendar to her right, she flipped a couple pages then looked up at her. "And you would be Courtney Price. Is that correct?"

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