Willing Willow

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Hello there! I decided to finally have a chapter on Willow's pov and get into some things I've been meaning to, give her the spotlight, yk what I mean.
Enjoy your reading <3

The day after the movie night was really calm, the squad mostly worked in the portal and for the first time, Vee joined them in the afternoon, Luz had thought about teaching them how to play Uno, but decided it might release a war between them and it should be better to leave it for another day. The next morning, Willow woke up early, it was still dark, she changed into sweatpants and a strappy blouse trying not to make a sound, she wanted to work out a little, she had gotten the habit of doing so, but hadn't done it since the day of unity, she just hadn't had the mind to train, but maybe it was exactly what she needed.

She got downstairs, poured water into a glass and when she walked in the living room on her way to the backyard, she saw Hunter entering the living room as well, he had knee-length shorts, a t-shirt, his sports tennis and his hair tied in a ponytail just like she had tought him a few days before.

She got downstairs, poured water into a glass and when she walked in the living room on her way to the backyard, she saw Hunter entering the living room as well, he had knee-length shorts, a t-shirt, his sports tennis and his hair tied in a ponyta...

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They made eye contact for a couple of seconds, until they asked at the same time "why are you up so early?" They smiled at eachother "so?" Willow asked.

-"I.... I always wake up at 5 and train for a while, then I tidy up a little and then go back downstairs so no one notices." Hunter answered. "What about you? This is the first time I've seen you up before sunrise."

Willow was a little shocked, she didn't understand why Hunter was doing chores before anyone else, it made sense that he got up early and had a routine, he grew up in a military regimen after all, "I was used to train in the morning too, not this early tho, I decided to re-start today since I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep, um, do you wanna train together?"

-"Oh, yeah, sure." He said while awkwardly smiling, Willow took another glass of water, this one for Hunter; and they both stepped out to the garden. "What do you usually do?" Hunter asked.

-"Well, mostly I jump the rop for a while and then do upper body strenght routine, and you?"

-"I just practice hand to hand combat, it helps me distract myself and, since I don't have magic without a staff, it's what I'm better at."

Willow thought about that for a minute, she knew she was strong but she had no idea how to put that strenght into a hand to hand combat. "Could you teach me?"

-"Excuse me?" Hunter said.

-"Hand to hand combat, I wanna learn, what do you think?" She asked while making a boxing bag out of vines and leaves.

Hunter wasn't sure, but accepted; so they spent the next hour together, Hunter taught her the basics, like how to properly kick and the weak points of the body, then Willow suggested to have a combat.

-"I... I don't wanna fight you." Hunter said taking a step back.

-"Why? You think I couldn't do it?" She asked in a little defensive tone.

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