Rage and a Haircut

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Hey there! I'm sorry about not publishing last week btw, I had a medical emergency, but I'm fine now, so... I hope this is worth it. (TW: mentions of abuse, blood, torture, suicide attempt).
Enjoy your reading. <3

That morning, everyone woke up in a good mood, Hunter and Willow trained, as it was becoming part of their routine, it helped both of them to release stress and worry. Camila woke up early and made breakfast; Gus, Vee and Amity all spawned in the kitchen like they had been summoned by the smell of food.  Luz arrived a couple of minutes later, putting her arms around Amity's waist, the girl was chopping some strawberries for Camila, and she got so startled she almost chopped one of her fingers.

-" Luz!" Tomato Amity said, her girlfriend just laughed, took her hand and kissed it, and then kissed her in the lips.

-" So, is this how it's going to be? we're all officially a third wheel?" Vee asked. Luz just laughed and walked out, leaving Amity completly embarrased, apologizing to Camila.

-" Don't worry cariño, I know Luz, and I'm glad to see her happy with you." Camila said, putting one hand on Amity's shoulder.

While having breakfast, Hunter decides to ask Camila about the sewing machine. "Um, Camila? Gus told me that the machine you have in the basement is to sew, and I want to improve so, I was wondering if, maybe, you could show me how to use it?"

-"Of course, mijo, I can also give you materials so you can practice, hey, I could even give you old clothes to fix, what do you say?" She responded, with that motherly tone that made Hunter feel safer over time.

-"Oh, yeah, thank you so much, I had thought about helping more somehow but I didn't know how-"

-" It's ok, baby, you are already helping, don't think I don't notice, and besides, I love having you all here, you are all great kids." Hunter felt his chest warm up with joy, he had been so scared of messing up or making Camila mad, he hadn't noticed she was nothing like Belos; ugh, him, these past few days, everytime he thought of him, rage filled his body and mind for a few seconds, but every time it lasts longer. "Hunter?"

Camila's voice made him zooned back in to reality, he just looked at her, "excuse me?"

-" I was asking you if you wanted me to show you how it works right after we finish breakfast."

-" Uhm, I'd lve to but, we were going to start designing a sketch of a way to connect palismen and the door." He started talking faster.

-" It's okay, we can start without you, and if we come up with anything, we'll give you a catch up, right guys?" Willow said, looking around to the rest of the group.

-"Yeah, sure, you and I could talk later, your knowledge on the emperor's tech will be of help when we build the prototypes." Amity said, she already had a sketch, but she didn't want to make the others feel pushed aside with the process of the portal, after all, they were all trying to get back; besides, everyone knew Hunter wanted to get his hands busy in something, and if he spent more time with Camila, he would relax more and more.

Twenty minutes later or so, Camila and Hunter walked down to the basement, Camila opened a box full of old clothes and a christmas cookie jar, Hunter was confused until she opened it and he saw lots of threads, sewing needles, buttons, and even little pieces of different types of fabric. She explained to him how to use the sewing machine and he got the hang of it quickly.

They spent the whole morning creating patches, fixing (perfectly on porpuse) ripped jeans, learning to create patterns with threads, and just having fun together, even though he was having a good time, a part of Hunter couldn't stop thinking about Darius, he had given him a couple of sewing lessons, and he really had enjoyed it, maybe he wanted to make him proud, for when they go back home, but just having a fabric and thread on his hands brought the memories of him, includiing the last time he saw him,unconscious on the ground, with his energy, magic and life being drawn out of him, it was all Belos's fault, his fault, Titan, he hated him so much, even dead, he couldn't let him enjoy a nice moment with a nice adult without ruining it. Is this how his life was going to be? Never being able to have peace or enjoy moments without the memory of him constantly disturbing him? The rage was filling him quickly again, he hated that man, he hated how he still had control over him, just like when he was a child, just like a few months ago, just like when he-

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