Date (Lumity)

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Hi! Since most of my chapters have been about redeeming, I wasnted to give you something sweet, so this is just a Lumity date.

Enjoy your reading <3

A couple of days after Luz helped Hunter find out things about himself, he seemed to have fixed things with Vee, and he loved to spend time with Palismen, Luz taught everyone how to use the vacuum and Gus nearly died out of excitement, but Luz had something in mind, she wanted to spend some alone time with Amity, so that morning, while they were getting ready and Willow and Vee went downstairs to hang out with the boys in the garden, Luz took the chance to talk with Amity alone.

-"Sweet potato?"

-"Yes, Luz?" Amity asked turning around to look at her girlfriend, she was wearong a purple overall of shorts she really liked and a little headband.

Luz took Amity's hands, "I've been thinking. we haven't actually had a date like I promised you some weeks ago, so, what if we went to a date here? Just us, in the most mundane slice of life and awesome date?"

Amity laughed, she understood why Luz was saying it like that, to kinda quote hersellf, "of course, I'd love to."

Luz hugged her and started talking about how she was going to plan everything, that Amity didn't have to worry about anything and how perfect it was going to be.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be actually perfect, as long as I'm with you, we could literally be doing nothing and I would be just as happy." Amity said, trying to calm Luz a little, they ended up being fsce to face, really close, Luz gave Amity a kiss on her forehead.

-"I know, but still, I have something in mind." She said and then left, taking her computer. 

Amity just stood there, tomato face Amity, they had kissed and hadn't talked about it, maybe they could on their date, she wished she could tell her siblings about it, eben if they would be annoying her, they were actually nice.

For the rest of the morning, Luz searched on the internet date ideas, is they were in the demon realm, she would have taken her to their tree and had a little pretty picnic there, but here, she would have to find a replacement, until they could go back there. 

She had the idea of going to the beach, they would have to take a bus and it wasn't a long road, so she started to pack in a beach bag her mom borrowed her, a pool float, a beach ball, sunscreen, sunglasses, food, water, and everything you could need, even the swimming suits so Amity had a complete surprise.

Luz and Camila had already thought about taking everyone to the beach but Luz thought it would be really special if she could spend a susnset with Amity in the beach, just the two of them; so that was the plan.

Luz stepped out to the garden and found Willow making a little braid in Hunter's hair, and she noticed that he already had a few more, Gus was chuckling at Hunter, Luz didn't get to see his face, but she assumed he was telling him something (poor oblivious Luz, he's just blushing). Amity was with Vee planting some seeds.

"What are you guys doing?" Luz asked to everyone.

-"Oh, Luz, we were fixing a little the garden, I hope it's okay." Amity said.

-"Yeah, of course, now that there's more people in the house we should start planting our own vegetables, what about you Willow, are you tormenting Hunter?" Luz said while coming down the porch stairs.

-"Ha ha, nah, it's just that Hunter said his hair kept bothering him while helping me gardening so I offered myself to help, this is just for today, I didn't have a tie near me, could you give one to him after your date with Amity?"Willow said without taking her eyes off Hunter's new little braids, they were actually nice.

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