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Hi! This chapter is from Vee's point of view so it's not gonna be long, just some lil bonding with Hunter.

Enjoy your reading <3

Vee entered the kitchen first, Hunter following her. Since they arrived, Vee has been percieving a strog scent of palistrom wood but she thought it was because there were a lot of palismen and also Luz's egg so she just ignored the smell; but now that she was alone with Hunter in a room for the first time, she also smelled some other magical creatures, she thought maybe she was just hungry of magic, she reached for a card of Hexes Hold'em.

-"Is that how you feed magically in here?" Hunter asked, it took Vee by surprise, she thought he was going to stay quiet, she wanted to talk back to him meanly but, if she was honest, she didn't even know why she was upset with him. Yeah, he was the golden guard, but he never actively did anything to her, she did know about a time he almost catched another basilisk she used to know, that poor boy almost didn't make it, but Vee never knew about him again.

-"Yes, there's no much magic here." She answered trying to sound the less annoyed possibly, she didn't succeed.

-"I'm sorry." He said.

-"Ugh, it's fine, you didn't mean it in any bad way."

-"I meant -he said while putting some food in the refrigerator- I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, and for everything I did as the golden guard."

Vee scoffed, not because she didn't believe him, but because she found kind of dumb how desesperate he was for apologizing.

-"I really am - thud- AUCH, fuck." He had hit his head with the refrigerator while standing up.

Vee looked at him and laughed "are you okay?".

-"Yeah just, it hurt a lot."

-"Come here, If you pour water in your head it hurts less." She said, Hunter got to the kitchen sink, Vee got the water running and Hunter put his head under the streaming water, it seemed like he felt better because Vee noticed how his body untensed a little, but she smelled something, it smelled like palistrom wood and some scent of selkidomus, but again, she just ignored it; after a few seconds he stood straight and turned off the water faucet.

-"Thank you." He said, Vee just nodded. "As I was saying before, I really mean it, I'm truly sorry for everything-"

-I'mma stop you right there, you never did anything to me, but I do know about my friend, that's what makes me want to stay away for you."

-"I would never want to hurt you, I never really wanted to hunt the basilisks in the first place, didn't have the guts to even go myself in the missions, I just sent other scouts to look for you and prayed to the Titan they wouldn't find any, I always found them amussing, NOT AS IN TO EXPERIMENT -he felt the need to clarify-, I just thought you all were cool and I wanted to participate the least in the hunt; I kinda regret it tho."

-"How so?" Vee had been paying attention to every word he said, she didn't know he was such a nerd.

-"If I had gone to the missions, maybe I could have sabotaged them in order to not capture any of them, of course I would have been seriously punished like when I let the basilisk boy escape and Belos chopped my ear, but still, I could have done more."

-"He.... did that, to you?" She asked, with genuine concern on her face, but Hunter wasn't looking at her, he kept organizing the food.

-"Oh yeah, most of my scars are from him, this one -he pointed at his cheek scar- is from the first time I saw him in his curse mode, all like a goop monster, I don't really remember much, I woke up a few days later with the scar; the cuts in the rest of my body are from when I failed him in someway, the only ones that are not from him are the ones in my hands, those are from a mission I almost died 2 years ago."

At this point, Vee couldn't even remeber why they were talking in the first place, he could relate to her, him, the golden guard, was just as scared of the emperor as she was, it was worse in some way because at least she never saw the emperor as anything good, but this boy, used to see him as family. Vee was about to touch his shoulder and tell him how sorry for him she was, but when she touched him, all she could feel was wild magic running through his body, it didn't feel like he had a magic bile sac; she pulled her hand away from him.

-"Woah are you ok? what hapenned?"

-"What are you Hunter? You're not a witch, right?"

Hunter pannicked, "WHAT HAHAHAH of course I am a normal witch, I just- I......"

-"I've felt weird scents since you guys got here, I just knocked it off but the closer I am to you, the stronger the scents are, so, tell me Hunter, I promise I won't tell anyone."

Hunter sighed, he was scared the group would hate him if they find out, but Vee seemed genuine, and something about her made him feel.... safe, like with Luz, it's not that the other ones didn't, it was different with this topic, and maybe if Vee knew it would be a bond between them. "Fine, I am a, ugh, I'm a grimwalker." Hunter said closing his eyes and flinching a little, scared, but nothing happened.

Vee noticed how scared he was, but she understood that he wasn't scared of her, he was just sacred of people being scared by him for what he is, just like her. "Oh, yeah that makes sense."

Hunter opened his eyes and saw Vee going back to organizing the food, he was so happy about her reaction, maybe, just maybe, in the future, the others wouldn't care neither. "Yeah, hey, where does this thing go?" He asked pointing at some bananas.

-"Oh, those bananas have to be outside the refrigerator."

-"Wait, these are bananas?"

Vee side eyed him, "you had never seen a banana!?"

-".... no"

They both just bursted out laughing and Vee cut a slice and gave it to him, Hunter loved it, they just kept organizing and laughing. Just thirty minutes of bonding and they already felt as close as any others in the friend group, and outside the kitchen, the rest of the people and palismen living in the house, smiled at the sound of two traumatized teenagers becoming friends and laughing, only Luz would understand the actual bond between those two when they tell her, but for now, everything was just, nice.

Hi! Yes there is angst but by this time you should know that there's no chapeter without a lil angs at least. I didn't wanna make this story as a long term mistrust between Amity and Hunter nor Vee and Hunter, I feel like it all was talked about during the first week or so, that's why I decided to start with that; next thing is gonna cover more of a Lumity date and a lil talk about Willow, don't worry I have a chpater planned from her perspective and just about her.

Thanks for reading.

Byeeeeeee <3

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