Chapter Twenty-Five: End Of The Beginning

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-Earlier. CCT tower.-

Weiss and Blake stared at the console as the message played out. Blake was stunned at the declaration of war by an organization that she and Silver once firmly believed in. She remembered that it was her surrogate brother that convinced her to go out and join those rallies with him. She could only imagine what Silver was thinking about this.

"I'm so sorry, Blake." Weiss said, genuine sympathy in her voice.

"They've really done it..." Blake said sadly. "They've finally become an actual terrorist group... I just... How did it all go so wrong?"

Weiss placed a comforting hand on her teammate's shoulder and said nothing. After all... There really wasn't anything she could say to make the Cat Faunus feel better. But the contact was appreciated as Blake gave the heiress a sad smile in thanks.

The moment was ruined as Weiss' Scroll started ringing. She pulled it out and saw that an unknown number had called her and she and Blake looked at each other.

"Who managed to get your number?" Blake asked.

"I don't know." Weiss replied before she pressed the answer button. "Who is this?"

[Weiss! Weiss, Can you hear me!?] Ruby's voice answered.

"Ruby!?" Weiss exclaimed, relief rushing through her. "Oh, thank God! When we lost your signal we-"

[There's no time!] Ruby interjected, urgency filling her voice. [Where are you and Blake right now!?]

"We're in the CCT, why?" Weiss asked, confused.

[GET OUT OF THERE!] Ruby shouted, causing the pair to look at each other in alarm, before the world around them went white.

-Present time.-

Her vision was blurry. Her ears were ringing, and everything hurt. She felt like she had been hit by every damn truck in Remnant. But as the world around her came into focus, she saw Weiss fighting off Grimm that were not supposed to be in Sanus, or anywhere on the mainland along with a number of White Fang soldiers.

Blake groan as she tried to stand up, but almost immediately collapsed as her body felt like lead, and her head pounded like a drum. Everything was so bright and she felt incredibly dizzy. What...

Oh yeah. The tower exploded with them inside of it. That would explain her concussion.

"Blake!" Weiss yelled, though her voice was muffled. "Blake, are you alright!?"

Blake groaned and tried to stand up again, this time she kept her footing, albeit she was very unstable on her feet right now. She grabbed Gambol Shroud and unsheathed the weapon from the bladed sheathe and went to help Weiss out.

The streets of Vale were in complete disarray as the White Fang and the Grimm swept through the kingdom. Atlas had long ago deployed their Knights to try and save as many people as they could, but to the Monochrome duo, Vale looked like a warzone. Dead civilians littered the streets, shot, stabbed, or torn to shreds, a long with the bodies of White Fang soldiers, dead Grimm that were in the process of dissipating and wrecked mechs.

Weiss and Blake fought off the White Fang that attacked them, but more kept coming, and neither of them were in prime condition at the moment. Weiss went to freeze another soldier, but her eyes widened when she discovered that the canister that housed her Ice Dust had been fully depleted, so instead she used Burn Dust, engulfing the soldier in flames as she burned to death.

"Kill the Schnee!" One of them shouted. "And skin her pet!"

Blake was visibly shaken at what was said. The thought of being skinned like an animal by her own people was a truly horrifying concept, one she would rather not experience.

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