Chapter Six: Standing Up For Your Friends

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Pyrrha looked out the window in her team's dorm with a sad expression. It had been a few days since she showed Jaune their secret training spot, and when Jaune revealed that he had used forged transcripts to get into Beacon. Now, he was helping Cardin with his schoolwork and getting home late because of it, although she used the word helping loosely.

It was something that Silver had taken note of as well, though he remained confident that Jaune would come around soon.

"All he needs is the right push." He had told her.

Pyrrha wished that she had his certainty, but she was starting to lose hope that Jaune would take her up on her offer. She was pulled from her thoughts by Nora, who was jumping on her bed as if she was a kid. Pyrrha had no idea how Ren wasn't tired just trying to keep up with her every single day.

"How come Jaune gets home so late?" Nora asked.

"He's become rather scarce ever since he's been fraternizing with Cardin." Ren added.

"That's weird." Nora stated. "Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our rest!"

She spun around in the air and landed on her back, before getting comfortable on her bed.

"I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing." Pyrrha said, though she didn't really believe her own words.

"Hmmm..." Nora hummed, as she and Ren shared a glance. "I guess so..."

Unbeknownst to all of them, Jaune had been listening. He sighed as he closed the door behind him. He didn't know what he was doing, and he and Pyrrha knew it. After Cardin revealed he had heard everything that Jaune had told Pyrrha, he was working him to the point of exhaustion with his homework and extra readings, and just when he got one project done, Cardin would immediately give him another one.

He didn't know how much more he could take, but he had no choice. If Cardin reported what he had heard to the headmaster...

"Ozpin's a smart man. He probably already knows that you falsified your transcripts, but he let you in anyway."

Maybe Silver was right. Maybe the headmaster did already know, but kept that information to himself for Jaune's sake. It didn't make him feel any better, of course, but, at least it was something.

"Hey, Jaune." Ruby said, startling Jaune out of his thoughts. She was in her pajamas currently. "Long time no see. Did you lock yourself out again?"

"OH uh, nope!" Jaune exclaimed, before pulling out his Scroll. "Heh. Got it!"

"So, where have you been lately?" Ruby asked.

"I uh..." Jaune began, debating whether or not to tell Ruby what's been going on, before he let out a tired sigh. "I messed up..."

Ruby raised a curious eyebrow.

"I did something I shouldn't have, and now Cardin's got me on a leash and Pyrrha won't even talk to me..."

Let out another sigh.

"I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea..." He said, as he put his back to the door and slid down it. "I'm a failure..."

"Nope." Ruby stated.

"Nope?" Jaune asked, confused.

"Nope." Ruby replied. "You're a leader now, Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure."

"But..." Jaune began. "What if I'm a failure at being a leader?"

"Mmm... Nope." Ruby hummed.

Jaune let out a small laugh.

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