Chapter Two: Welcome To Beacon Part Two

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The rest of the flight to Beacon was relatively uneventful until the ships landed and opened their doors for the new students. Vomit-boy immediately ran for a nearby trash bin and immediately emptied his stomach as the other students moved past him, including Silver. Ruby and Yang stated in awe at the structure of Beacon Academy.

"The view from Vale's got nothing on this." Yang said.

Ruby then saw someone walk passed and she became incredibly giddy.

"Oooh!" She gasped. "Sis! That kid has a collapsible staff! Oooh! And she's got a fire sword!"

Yang grabbed Ruby by her cloak and quickly yanked her back to her.

"Ow, ow." Ruby protested.

"Easy there, little sister." Yang said. "They're just weapons."

"Just weapons!?" Ruby asked incredulously. "They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us!"

She gave out a longing sigh. "They're so cool."

"Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon?" Yang asked. "Aren't you happy with it?"

Ruby pulled out her weapon and gave it a hug.

"Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose." She said. "I just, really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people. But better..."

Yang grabbed Ruby's hood and pulled it over her head.

"Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?" She suggested.

"But, why would I need friends when I have you?" Ruby asked.

"Well..." Yang began as a bunch of random people appeared around her. "Actually, my friends are here now, gotta go catch up, 'kay c'ya, bye!"

"Wait! Where are you going?" Ruby asked as she was spun around by Yang's group and her sister disappeared in the crowd. "Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms? I have no idea what I'm doing..."

Ruby then fell into a pile of white cases and was in a heap inside them.

"What are you doing!?" Someone shouted.

Ruby shot up and saw a girl in a white dress, pale blue eyes with a scar going down her left eye, and she was glaring down at Ruby.

"Uh... I'm sorry." Ruby apologized.

"Sorry!?" Weiss exclaimed. "Do you have any idea of the damage you could've caused!?"

Ruby grabbed one of the boxes and handed it to Weiss.

"Uhh..." She muttered.

"Gimme that!" Weiss snapped. "This is Dust, mined and purified from the Schnee Quarry!"

"Uhh..." Ruby muttered.

"What are you, brain dead!?" Weiss yelled. "Dust! Fire, Water, Lightning, energy!"

Ruby tried to get a word in, but some of the Dust got in her nose and she suddenly felt a sneeze coming.

"Are you even listening to me!?" Weiss continued on her tirade. "Is any of this sinking in!? What do you have to say for yourself!?"

"Uuuuuaaahhh.... Chooooo!"

As Ruby sneezed, an explosion of Burn, Ice, and Lightning Dust occurred and sent the vial of Burn Dust out Weiss' hand, and over to another girl, wearing tight fitting white pants, high heel combat boots with purple stockings, a black corset with a shirt that showed off her midriff, along with a black scarf and to top it all off, a black bow adorned her head. She picked up the vial and looked at it.

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