Chapter Eight: With A Bang

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Silver looked on as smoke billowed and blanketed the sky as the flames around him continued to burn. The world was ablaze, the Grimm were rampaging, and anyone foolish enough to face him was dealt with swiftly, and brutally. Silver stood up on a mountain that was littered with bodies. Among them, were Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha, their lifeless eyes gazing at the burning city of Vale.

As Silver turned his gaze to view the wonderful destruction he had caused, he casually evaded a bullet that had been shot at him, and his eyes rested on Team RWBY, who gave him looks of betrayal, hurt and anger.

"Ahhh..." Silver began, his voice more akin to an echoed growl. "My dear friends, and sisters... So glad you could join me at the end of the world."

"Silver..." Ruby said with a tremble in her voice. "I don't know what steered you towards this path... But this ends now."

"Nobody knows that better than me." Silver replied. "So... This is it, then? One final stand before it all ends."

Yang leapt into action, firing her Ember Cilica to propel her forward, and threw a punch at her former teammate, but Silver blocked her attack with a sword he had summoned, before pushing her away.

"Such haste to die, Yang..." Silver said. "Your impatience was always your greatest weakness."

"Shut up, you monster!" Yang shouted.

Silver chuckled, before he launched himself at Yang, kicking her back, before blocking a strike from Blake. He countered by grabbing her arm and throwing her at Weiss, who couldn't dodge in time and was sent back to the floor. Ruby fired Crescent Rose at Silver, but he simply deflected her rounds, before Yang went to attack him again.

Once again, he dodged her attack, and when she went for a follow up, Silver countered by cutting off her right arm, bypassing her Aura entirely.

Yang watched her arm fly away from her as her eyes widened, but she didn't have time to feel the pain, as Silver stabbed his summoned sword into her chest, killing her.

"YANG!" Blake cried out, before Silver rushed forward and grabbed the Cat Faunus by the throat, lifting her off the ground.

"Don't weep, Blake." Silver said, coldly. "You'll be seeing her soon..."

Weiss rushed at Silver, trying to get him to loosen his grip on her friend, but Silver grew claws and slashed them across the heiress' throat, cutting it open and cutting into her windpipe.

Weiss dropped Myrtenaster and clutched her throat as she began choking on her own blood, before Silver dug his fingers into Blake's neck, before tearing out her esophagus, which killed her instantly as Weiss began to both bleed and choke to death.

"And then there was one..." Silver said, dodging Ruby's attack.

Ruby fought her fallen friend, even as tears ran down her face. She wondered what had happened that had caused him to become what he was now, and what could have been done differently to prevent this, but she didn't know. She couldn't go back in time to see what had happened... She was his friend. His partner. His... Family. And she had failed him.

She swung Crescent Rose downward at Silver, who met her attack halfway, breaking through Crescent Rose with his hand, before he plunged it into her chest. Ruby's eyes widened as she looked down and saw Silver's hand as she gasped for a breath that wasn't coming.

"You ripped out my heart, sister..." Silver sneered. "It's only fair that I rip out yours."

Silver removed his hand from Ruby's chest, holding her still beating heart as Ruby stumbled forward a bit, looking at the hole in her chest as her hands started shaking and her vision started to become blurred, before she fell to her knees. Silver watched with a twisted smirk as Ruby's silver eyes lost their shine, turning into a full grey as she breathed her last. Team RWBY'S bodies joining the dead around him.

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