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Something is going on with my Wattpad app, It keeps on crashing in seconds or it won't even open. I tried a bunch of stuff but nothing is working, It has something to do with my phone (Huewai Nova Y90) but I'm not sure. This will affect my ability to write my stories since I rely on my phone to keep me updated on everything, yes I use my computer to write my stories and publish, everything else from keeping track to Updating stories, informing and updating my viewers and everything else is heavily reliant on my phone. When I do mean everything else, I do mean everything else on my phone. it would heavily affect my ability to do well on everything else on Wattpad. So I would appreciate it if you could help with this problem...

Gate: Thus Dreamland Fought There! (Gate x Kirby Crossover)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ