[OLD] Ch 4: Steel Trade

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IMPORTANT note: If you see this -->[OLD] <-- next to the chapter name that means you're seeing an old version of the chapter. those chapters are OUTDATED and POORLY WRITTEN. Therefore, I request all readers of this fic to consider those chapters as NON-CANON. There are currently being REWRITTEN, so please be patient, Thank you.

THIS CHAPTER IS RELEASED EARLY!!!! See you next week for the next chapter... This is a bit rushed also...

Kirby belongs to © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! (ゲート 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri is written by Takumi Yanai, published by AlphaPolis. A manga adaptation illustrated by Satoru Sao

trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners.

Warning: The early chapters will follow the manga/anime but later on become mutate into original written stories, But for now the early chapters will follow the original canon with changes here and there... Basically a copypasta in the early chapters...

Update: Changed Kirby's dialogue a bit at the end...

"They fended off a flame dragon!?"

"You're joking!?"


"Not even elves and sorcerers could defeat ancient dragons are you sure that it was a flame dragon?" A patron asks still in disbelief "You're not mixing it up with a new breed dragon or wyvern?"

"But these fellows managed to save us from the dragon and help us escape," He said

"Who are these guys!?"

While there was all happening, Piña alongside two others, A male knight and a female knight, The trio were part of what's known as the Rose Order of Knights, they were currently listening in on the conversation

"We don't know the true intentions of those strange people, They might be a bunch of mercenaries... Sir Norma, what do you think?" The female whose name is Hamilton Uno Ror said

"Hamilton, we don't know which story from all the refugees are lies. But, there seems to be some truth in the story about the flame dragon" The male name Norma Co Igloo said

"I do believe it, yet it still sounds strange," Hamilton added

"But it's the truth, Noble Knights," The waitress said hearing the conversation "It was a flame dragon for sure, I've seen it with my own eyes"

"Hahaha, You won't fool me, waitress" Norma responds which frustrates the waitress

"Well, well, I believe you, so could you tell us some details about the strange people?"

"Thank you, Noble Knight, Let me announce it," She said as she prepares to tell the tale in the bar

"There were 5 people, one is a fairy while the other was a human, while the other three's races I do not know, One is a mage, While the other seems to be a noble knight from the way they act and behave, while the last member seems to be a child, a pink one at that, and they're gender is completely unknown When the flame dragon attacked, The mage appeared out nowhere and cast a powerful shield spell blocking the flames and soon the pink child headed straight forth to the dragon, and the dragon tried to breath fire onto the child, They swallowed the fire," She told the story to the patrons "Then all of a sudden they released a bright and strange magic energy and when it hit the dragon, they completely blew off the dragon's left arm with a loud boom!"

"Sounds like they're splendid people, or what do you think milady Piña," Hamilton asks Piña

"I'm more interested in the strange magic these people possess..." Piña said

Gate: Thus Dreamland Fought There! (Gate x Kirby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now