Ch 1: Battle of Popstar

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Kirby belongs to © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc.

Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! (ゲート 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri is written by Takumi Yanai, published by AlphaPolis. A manga adaptation illustrated by Satoru Sao

trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners.

Warning: The early chapters will follow the manga/anime but later on mutate into original written stories, But for now the early chapters will follow the original canon with changes here and there... A copypasta in the early chapters...

Edit 1: Change dialogue between Kirby and Ribbon

On a remote hill, far from civilization and in a world dramatically different from our own, the Saderan Empire's army was preparing for an invasion. Soldiers, cooks, quartermasters, and officers went about their duties, crushing the lush green grass beneath their feet as white canvas flaps opened and closed. The war camp extended for miles in each direction, surrounding Alnus hills, with tents reaching the edge of the dense forest that enveloped the hill.

Knights, soldiers, mercenaries, and many others, bedecked in armor, honed their combat skills and practiced their swordplay in preparation for the impending conflict. The sound of steel clashing and armor resounding filled the air. They were the heart and soul of the Saderan military.

A soldier stationed near the hill was irritated by the sun reflecting off the armored soldiers and sweating as their undergarments clung to their skin. "When is that blasted gate going to open? I've been stationed here for months now!" they thought.

"The gate has appeared! Blow the horn!" a commander shouted, interrupting the soldier's thoughts. The soldier finally noticed the structure and marveled at its beauty, only to be snapped out of their daze by the officer's rage. "Blow the horn, you damned idiot!" the officer shouted at them.

The soldier quickly blew the horn, and the sound echoed across the once-open plains surrounding Alnus hills. Movement followed as black-plated soldiers waved the banner of the empire, leading troops towards the entrance of the newly formed gate.

The Saderan Empire's forces assembled in the shadow of the Gate. Knights atop mighty steeds, their armor glinting in the sun, awaited their signal. Magical beings, such as dragons and griffins, were ready to soar into the unknown.

The air was thick with anticipation and tension as the army assembled. Banners and flags bearing the empire's crest fluttered in the wind, a reminder of the glory that awaited them.

Troops marched into position. The plan was to have tower shields in front with cavalry behind them, followed by dragon riders, ogres, and other troops that would form the front line.

The moments before the invasion were fraught with a mix of emotions. There was excitement at the prospect of conquest, but also trepidation about the unknown world on the other side of the Gate. The soldiers clutched their weapons.

Finally, the order was given, and the Saderan Empire's army began its march towards the mystical portal. The first platoon entered through the gate, putting their shields up for whatever lay ahead on the other side. The commander mounted his horse and motioned forward to the gate, readying for war and an invasion that sought to conquer and enslave the people on the other side. The knights, soldiers, goblins, orcs, dragons, sorcerers, and many more entered the Gate, ready to conquer the new world that lay beyond.

It was another peaceful day in dreamland When it wasn't being terrorized by Slothful monarchs, Military takeovers, Egotistical mages, technologically advanced companies colonizing the planet, Demigods, God-like beings, Or straight-up Gods. Multiple cities and towns in dreamland were bustling as two figures were on a hill nearby. Adeleine or their nickname Ado and their Best friend Ribbon the fairy from the planet Ripple Star, Adeleine is busy painting while Ribbon is watching nearby, admiring the painting.

Gate: Thus Dreamland Fought There! (Gate x Kirby Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now