The party carried on, while Daatasa took the mic for announcement.

Devi was by my side and Gaurav and Ghanakshi as well.

Daatasa: "Thank you everyone for making it a wonderful eve with your presence. I would like to announce one more special thing. Our family is about to welcome another daughter. Yes! The youngest couple of Suryavanshi family is getting married this year."

The couple was greeted by everyone, whereas Devi being tired We excused ourselves.

D: "It was so great seeing everyone after so long and it would be amazing while the wedding too. I hope Nakul banna makes it there. I wonder how the duo is separated?"

V: "Every person in the family has the same question. No one, except themselves got the answer."

Devi had a call from Manasvi which she took excitingly.

After quite some time, when I was changed, chilling on the couch with a book in my hand, I hear her coming back to the room.

She went to change immediately and I followed behind. As she removed her jewelry, we held each other's gaze through mirror.

I felt her expression somewhat serious kinda want to discuss something and I was right! She spoke facing me, "Kunwarsa, um. We need to talk."

V: "I'm all ears."

D: "I.. Will change then first."

Nodding to her statement I waited for her patiently.

As she came inside the room, sitting beside me, she spoke "Kunwarsa, I want to say something. You might find it weird one day I say something and next day I say another but try to understand me."

I held her palm, where her gaze was and she was rubbing continuously biting her lips.

V: "Have I ever judged you?"

She shook her head, making me cup her cheeks.

V: " Tell me. Anything. It's fine."

D: " I might have anger issues. I am moody. I don't know to balance my emotions. I can be rude and harsh and quite strict sometimes. I am not that good at expressing my emotions but I want you to help. If I fail... No I don't want you to let me fail. If I am doing wrong anywhere you need to help me. Stop me."

V: "Sure Lotus. But why are saying this now?"

D: "I might not be a great mother but I want you to be there for the kids. My biological clock is ticking and I really don't want to be without kids but I'm afraid I'll hurt them. Only you can help me."

V: "What?"

I couldn't get her words.

D: "Kunwarsa I have thought about this a lot. I don't want to keep you from this happiness."

V: "Devi you don't have to...."

D: "No. I want to. I want kids. I mean I love children and I can try to be the best version of myself and whenever I am doing bad I know you'll help me."

V: "You will be an absolutely amazing mother."

I pecked forehead as she layed her head on my chest.

I caressed her waist for a while before speaking, "Lotus."

D: "Yes"

V: "Don't you think we should carry on with the process then."

D: "What process?"

Lifting her up in my arms and carrying her towards the bed I spoke, "Baby-making. You looked ravishing in that saree and I hate the fact I couldn't fuck you almost immediately after you appeared in front of me."

Lotus - A Yearning Of The Soul. Where stories live. Discover now