54-Manasvi in trouble

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Devanshi's Pov:

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Devanshi's Pov:

(In Meerut):

We reached the hospital in a few hours time, but I was unable to control my heart beats, my racing mind.

The person who supported me while no one else did, who considered me her sister, who has always fought for me when I couldn't, who helped me be what I am today was in hospital.

God! Not her please! Everyone I love goes away from me. Not her. And she doesn't deserve any sadness rather she is worth each and every joy and happiness there in this world. Please Lord! Don't take her away from me. I want her safe and happy.

We went to the receptionist, telling her about the call.

She called a nurse and she lead us towards a doctor's cabin.

The cabin read 'Dr. Avasthi'. As we entered the cabin, the nurse informed doctor about us and he asked us to take seats.

The doctor was an elderly person in his 50s I guess. Upon hearing about us, his face scrunched up a bit with frown.

Dr. Avasthi: "Mrs.Suryavanshi right?"

He asked confirming my name, as I nodded he proceeded further.

Dr. Avasthi: "May I know who you are to the patient Manasvi shukla and her family."

D: "I'm her close friend Sir."

Dr. Avasthi: " So do you know someone who might be her family as what I'm gonna say is something a family should know about."

D: "Sir, I'm her family and I can take responsibility of their care and whatever you want to say about."

Dr. Avasthi: "But Mrs. Suryavanshi, it would be better if some family member was present too."

D: "Sir, there's no one in her family except her fiance and her mother."

Dr. Avasthi: "Ohh... Then it would be hard for the patient. You'll have to handle her with care. The family was here a few hours ago. They met a car accident this afternoon and after I guess an hour or so were they brought here by some people passing on the road. As they were admitted, a diary was found by the younger lady through which we contacted you. I'm sorry to say but the male patient...... He has died on the spot. The elder lady has severe injuries, she doesn't have much time left and Manasvi is unconscious. I'm sorry for your loss. Nurse,take them to the patient's room."

I was devastated, Abhinav was no more, aunty was on death bed and Manasvi was unconscious not knowing anything. What am I going to say her?

She loved him so much. He was a great person. This wasn't meant to happen. They were meant to be together.

Vedansh squeezed my upper arm, indicating to move forward to meet them. But only I knew, I was frozen. The faces once I saw happy and jolly would not have their shine.

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