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[Two Years Later]

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[Two Years Later]


It's been two years My Lotus has left for U. S. A. She's completing her residency and PG over there, but soon we'll be together again.

In these two years, there has not been a single day or a single moment when I didn't miss her. Every corner of the house misses her, she had brought life to this house with her but now that she is away, nothing seems same anymore. I cannot remember there was a life I lived before her now that she has turned my life into a miracle.

I did myself go to settle her and didn't come till she actually started her classes, although she was familiar. I've visited her a few times, my stays were not limited to 2days as she asked but I had comply with the three months rule. Except for our anniversary. We celebrated our first anniversary with each other spending some quality time, and having a dinner date, because Madam didn't want anything lavish. The 2nd anniversary was celebrated in the Theme park. This girl is too simple, but I love her. I love her the way she is. She gifted me blue sapphire cuffs, exquisite ones, her taste has never surprised me because she is the best and whatever she choses is best. I have them with me safe and several other Souvenirs from our meetings too.

We have a rule of writing a letter to each other once a week and give those when we meet the next time, pouring our feelings and including us in our daily lives without being present over there.

She'll be returning in after two months and half completing her Residency. This time before my three months end she'll be here with me and we'll celebrate our anniversary in a grand way with a welcome she deserves.

Everyone in the family misses her. Devi's mother is same humble person affected by her husband and her father is all same but a little calm and lenient. Gaurav has started being more professional and has handled a lot of company projects very well. Ghanakshi has completed her internship too under such a great Lawyer, Mr. Vibhuti.

Nitya and Amritaksh are another pair of love birds now their misunderstanding is solved. Manasvi has overcome her loss now willing to shift back to India. Adarsh has started his own Marketing venture here a year ago and his team is truly the best. We still work together and he still is a tolerable person.

Though I don't know, when his love story shall bloom?

Nakul, has indulged himself in Family business and is so busy he hardly is that notorious personality We knew. He often stays in U. K as well as here but is less social though. It feels as if something in him changed suddenly.

Broken engagement of Madirakshi has left an impact on her as she does not want to move on, rejecting every proposal that comes.

Mr. Raj Singh Rana has emerged greatly in his political career. He isn't more willing to begin a relationship as well. He awaits someone too though doesn't accept it.

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