" Yes " Robby said with finality. 

" Good, " Marco muttered.

Robby looked at him and shook his head in disbelief. " Fuck man. I can't believe that you ate everything that Angela told you.

Marco shook his head. " I didn't. " he told him. " If I did, I wouldn't have bothered asking for your explanation."

Robby looked at him doubtfully. " Come on, Sebastian, " he said as he moved the empty can to the edge of the table. " Just admit that you doubted me for a second there. That's why you came storming in here demanding for an explanation."

Marco regarded him thoughtfully. 

" Alright, I admit, " he held his hands up. " There was a part of me that believed Angela. But a bigger part of me thought that you would not dare do that when you know how I fucking feel about it. "

Robby nodded at him not really knowing what to say. Practically everybody in their circle knew that his sisters were off limits. Robby wouldn't be surprised if one day Marco will wear a t-shirt that would say the same thing.

" Plus I did my own investigation, " Marco admitted, smiling crookedly. " I interrogated Mia about it last night."

Fuck. Robby's heart raced when he heard this. 

He didn't really give a damn what other people thought. But he braced himself on what Mia thought of him. Considering how angry she had been, he didn't think she would have good things to say about what happened.

" What did she say? " Robby asked calmly ignoring how his heart started beating fast.

Marco shrugged offhandedly. " Pretty much what you said, " he said as he leaned back on his chair. " She told me she's worried about a few things in school and you offered your advice." 


That was classy of Mia, he thought. 

" She said people were just blowing things out of proportion." Marco ended.

Robby somehow felt relieved. 

He was almost certain that she would tell Marco everything and then he would be in big trouble with his friend. Not that he did anything wrong, really. Patty and Angela just complicated things for him.

" So that's sorted, right? " Marco said looking at Robby for confirmation. " We're cool. You and Mia are cool. "

Robby quickly nodded. " Of course. " Not wanting him to think otherwise.

Marco looked at him seriously. " I just want to be sure that I can trust you with my sister."

Robby raised an eyebrow and he could see something was cooking in Marco's eyes. Something was up. He knew that familiar glint in his eyes.

He watched as Marco looked away as if collecting shattered thoughts. He looked pretty disturbed. When he looked at him again, his mouth was set in a hard line and his forehead creased in a frown. He leaned forward and Robby had to strain his ears to hear what he was saying.

" Dominic just gave Jason The Task yesterday " Marco dropped his voice so only the two of them can hear.

Marco's face hardened when he said this. Dominic Gamboa was one of the fraternity's head master this year. Holding an equal post as Marco. This week was the start of hell year for all the neophytes, where resident brothers can pretty much slave drive them to do practically anything.

Each neophyte got a secret ultimate task from their fraternity buddy - which they need to accomplish within hell year. Dominic Gamboa, one of Alfred's good friends and who share the same dislike for Marco, happened to be Jason's frat buddy.

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