Steel grey eyes watched her intently as she took a gentle hold of his right leg, carefully examining his ankle. Despite the extra bandages for support, the ankle was still pretty swollen and tender to touch. He would've winced had the heat of her fingers not felt so soothing against his skin.

"You should rest. Continuing to walk on it will only make it worse." She advised him as she carefully released his ankle and stood up.

Though he very much appreciated her concern and even felt a sense of satisfaction from it, Levi Ackerman wasn't the type of person to sit back and do nothing, even if it meant he would require a longer healing time. "I'm not gonna sit around and do nothing." He lightly protested, beginning to rise from his seated position.

Until two hands gripped his shoulders and gently pushed him back down, "Yes you will. And you'll do it because I said so." She smugly grinned at him, narrowing her eyes in a playful manner.

"Really?" Levi drew out with a single brow raised, the corners of his lips pulling upwards humorously. "Last I checked, I was still the Captain."

Glancing down at him, Arden lightly bit her lip, his steel grey eyes entranced by the action. Placing a single finger under his chin, she tilted his head upwards and leaned in closer. Hovering her lips mere centimetres above his own, his breath tickling against her skin. Levi's eyes fluttered closed, head tilting to the side as he waited impatiently for their lips to connect.

Arden watched him with a growing smirk as she stayed still, not giving him the one thing he was quickly coming to crave. Then with a delicate voice she whispered, "Now who's being a brat."

Levi blinked his eyes open as she pulled away, watching as she walked over to a tea set atop of the table. He let out a single breath of disbelief, a smile breaking out on his features. Steel grey eyes trained on her form, memorising every curve of her silhouette, the bounce of her luscious hair, the sway of her hips. His head tilting as he continued to take in the sight. Everything he saw was the purest perfection, even if there was something Arden hated about herself, it would be undeniably perfect to Levi. Her entire being an ethereal existence.

He was still in shock that they had finally made their feelings for one another known, that they shared such a blissful and harmonious kiss. Even now he could still taste the sweetness of her lips on his, feel the way they connected as if made for one another. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her tight for all eternity. To keep his world safe and happy in his arms. She was the only good he'd ever had in his tragic life, and if keeping that good close and never wanting to let it go was selfish, then he'd proudly scream his selfishness for everyone to hear. To let everything know that he had found perfection and that he belonged to her, and she belonged to him.

Arden, who was making tea for her Captain, was surprised when two arms suddenly glided around her waist, her back being pulled into a firm chest.

"I told you to rest." She scolded, though couldn't hide the excitement in her voice. She hadn't even heard Levi get up from his seat or walk behind her, though wasn't at all surprised that he managed to sneak around undetected.

Burying his head into the crook of her neck, Levi hummed in response causing his lips to vibrate against her nape that rippled through her being. His hands comfortably gripped her waist, giving it a tender squeeze, then he pulled her as close to his body as he could, holding her as if she were the most precious thing in the world.

His hair tickled against her cheek as he nuzzled his face deeper into her nape, simultaneously moving the collar of her shirt to expose more of her delicate neck. "I can't believe you're real..." He whispered in wonder before placing a soft, tantalising kiss across her bare skin.

The action causing shivers to travel down her spine as the feeling rippled across her. Again, he kissed her nape. And then again. Leaving featherlight kisses across every inch of soft skin he could reach. Each one longer than the last.

Arden couldn't help but relish in the feeling of his lips across her skin, the coolness leaving tingles against her warm body. Unconsciously her eyes closed, head tilting back to give him more room as her light breaths satisfied his ears.

She could feel him smile against her, content and satisfied with her reaction. With her back pressed directly against his chest, she could feel the quickened beat of his heart, thumping continuously whilst he had her in his hold. A heart that beat for her.

When he breathed in deeply inhaling her scent, he could've swore that he was in heaven. Just her entire existence had him weak at the knees and he would gladly fall for her a thousand times over as long as he could savour this moment for a lifetime.

Arden Croix was Levi Ackermans person. The only one he would ever love. It didn't matter how the seasons would change or how time would go on, there was only space for her in his caged and lonely heart. She'd imprinted herself so deeply that nothing would be able to remove the longing of her touch and the symphony of her presence.

She was the only love he would ever need or want.

Nothing, could change that.


Don't drink alcohol kids.

Especially at Halloween parties.

Life lessons with Author ✨️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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