Chapter 40: The Smuggler's Den

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They arrived in the northern part of Acante's mainland, where a smugglers' den was located. Gin knew that if there were one place Enzo would be, it would be there with his crew--Reynar and Mari. He only hoped Enzo hadn't sold the documents yet, but it would be difficult to find a high buyer on such short notice.

They needed to act fast to retrieve the documents. Something valuable like that could cause a civil war in the Draga Isles.

They docked the Opal on a beach and walked up a hill that guarded a small valley from the shore. Tall grass grew around them as they looked for a good spot for Ria as their shooter. They found a ledge where she positioned herself and noted that it was good.

Gin held out a rifle to her. "No sleeping bullets this time, princess," he said.

Ria hesitated, but she took the gun and nodded nervously.

"Aim for the shoulders," Gin added. He knew Ria had not killed anyone before, and he didn't want her to. But she volunteered to be here and help out as best as she could. She was a good shot, so they could use her talent to cover their backs. And staying on this hill with Sam and Reno, away from the den, would also keep her safe.

Gin looked at the valley below. A walled area with a rectangular structure rested at the center of the valley like a lone warehouse, but to those who knew, it was a smugglers' den.

"Gin," Ria spoke.

He looked at her and saw the worry in her blue eyes. "You'll be alright."

"I'm not worried about myself." Her face filled with something sweet.

Gin smiled. "We'll be alright. Those smugglers are going to run when the fight starts. Enzo probably has a few Acantians with him. Not more than twenty."

"You're always so cocky." She tilted her head to the side.

Gin grinned. "Eyes on me." He wanted to give her a kiss then, but he settled for a smile before he turned and walked up to the others.

Migal was staring at him with a grim look, lips set and jaws ticking, making his smile fade.

Gin wondered what Ria had told Migal to anger him this much. Migal hadn't said a word to her since the day she found Gin in the galley.

Gin tried to shake away the thought. Whatever was going on between Ria and Migal was not his business.

Gin, Migal, Juli, Captain Zalez, and Rodri made their way down to the valley below.

The crew had been here many times before, so they knew some people here, and some people knew them, too. It should be easy to get in. It's a sort of black market where one could find all kinds of smuggled items, both living and non-living.

The plan was to enter through the gates and find Enzo and his crew inside. They were so sure that when the gunfighting started, the rest of the smugglers inside were going to turn their heads and save their bottoms.

But when they reached the gate, the guards pointed their weapons at them.

"Sorry, but we've been waiting for you," one of the guards said as a couple more came on them, patted them down to take their weapons, and bound their hands.

The guards dragged them into the courtyard, which was mostly empty. It was different from what Gin remembered. The place used to be bustling with dirty business, but now stalls were empty. Enzo had turned the smugglers' den into a fortress. The smugglers were gone.

Gin looked to the warehouse-like building and saw Ezno come out. Reynar and Mari were at his flanks.

The guards forced the crew of the Opal on their knees at the center of the courtyard. They pointed their guns at them.

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