Chapter 13: First Blood

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"Here." Reynar handed a rifle to Riya.

She had suggested using her own but this one they said had mufflers--an extension on the muzzle to suppress the sound of shooting. It was a new invention in Acante, and the military had not yet gotten their hands on it.

She examined it now. It was lighter than her own but longer than she was used to. The barrel extended with a thick tube. Unlike the military-issued ones, the body had a smooth design. The grip arched in an elegant manner, but the hold and trigger under her finger felt familiar.

Ria's heart hammered in her chest as she looked at the gun in her hand. 

"You really know how to shoot, right?" Reynar asked as he slung his rifle over his shoulder. 

Ria swallowed and nodded. She knew she could shoot but with the way her hands shook now, she worried her body had forgotten. 

Reynar looked at her and emanated doubt but he only clenched his jaw and said nothing more to encourage her nerves.

Ria slung her rifle over her shoulder and patted the wooden chest at her side, making sure it was secure.

"Reynar." She heard Gin's voice and she looked up.

He strode and stopped in front of her, fully geared. Daggers filled his belt and a pistol was holstered on his side. 

"When we're past the second islet, I'm going to swim to Mavita and take out the guards on the ground," Gin said, looking at Reynar. 

"I got your back, Gin," Reynar answered, glancing at Ria and emanating more doubt before he climbed onto the rigging of the main mast to get up to the crow's nest.

"You won't be able to see past the treeline but I'll try to stay in clearings," Gin continued, his voice turning soft when he spoke to her. 

Ria paid attention to his emotion with her psychestringere. He was worried but at the same time, he trusted her. It came as a surprise to her that he did since he had been crass with her for being richly spoiled and landborn. But she wasn't landborn. She was a sea gypsy just like him.

"If I get caught, I'm dead." There was a warning in his tone, urging her to do her job right.

She nodded and tried to reassure him. "I've got your back."

His lips twitched into a half smile at her response and for a moment they only stared at each other. He studied her in the darkness where most of the ship's lamps were blown out, making her part her lips at his change of emotions. 

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a small carton. "I wanted to give you this."

Ria took the small box and when she realized what it was, her cheeks flushed.

"It's tsokolate. The best from Basiago," Gin said. His chest rose with a breath as if he was waiting for her reaction.

The kitchen in the royal palace in Sivona was always stocked with tsokolate imported from Basiago--a city known for trade and without its own product except for this. 

Was this what Gin wanted to give her that night outside the tavern? Her cheeks burned at the thought. In Sivona, it was tradition for a man to give tsokolate to a woman when they were courting. She wondered if Gin knew that. Was it different in Basiago? It could mean nothing to him, but when she looked up, he exuded a yearning that made her whole body heat.

"Ria," Migal called from the other side of the deck where he was gearing up, checking his holsters.

Ria schooled her emotions. Right now was not the time to feel like a silly infatuated girl. They were about to enter dangerous territory and she needed to focus. 

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