Chapter 2: The Proprietor

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To the rest of Sivona, this night was ordinary--most would be asleep in their warm beds or on the cold streets by now, and some might be getting drunk in taverns or getting mugged in alleys somewhere in the city--but to the crew of the Opal who waited patiently in the dark pier, this night was rich for they were about to shape up some big money. Gin expected as much since their captain had said so.

"So where's this proprietor?" Gin asked Rodri, the Opal's first mate--a tall man with a stoic physique.

They stood on the empty boardwalk, watching the harbor that fell silent after the hours of the day.

"They'll be here," answered Rodri. His red hair swayed in its low ponytail as a soft wind swept across the port, his thick beard and mustache shivering. 

Gin caught the hint of the man's green eyes when the yellow light from a lamp post flickered.

"Keep your gypsy pants on," Captain Aron Zalez chided. He was the Opal's captain and the younger brother of Rodri. His features were alike with his brother's; muscular frame, green eyes and, long red hair tied the same way. From behind, it was difficult to tell them apart, but from the front, it was easy to identify who was who for Captain Zalez did not sport any beard or mustache, keeping his face clean and presentable.

After a while, movement came from the shadows at the end of the boardwalk, and two figures in black cloaks strode into the dim light.

The taller one, a young man, carried a military-issued gun in a holster on his hip.

Gin could only glimpse the weapon when the cloak swayed away with the wind. He could could tell from the design of the weapon made with modern and sleek curved handles that it was martial--something that can't be bought from the streets or stalls anywhere in the Draga Isles.

The other person, a girl, had a rifle slung over her shoulder--also military-issued. 

Gin swallowed at the sight of the guns, but Juli reacted first.

"What the hell is this?" Juli snarled, reaching for the pistol on her hip.

The man in the cloak stepped forward, hiding the girl protectively behind him and his hand flew to his gun, but he didn't pull it out. His stance was ready to shoot.

Gin yanked out two knives from his belt, and Sam rolled his hands into fists. 

"Calm down," Captain Zalez said. "They're our proprietors."

"They're military!" Juli barked.

"Military or not, their money is as good as any." Rodri raised a palm to Juli's pointed pistol. "Put it away," he ordered.

Juli glanced at Rodri and then back to the newcomers before putting her arm down, but she didn't holster her gun. It remained in her mechanical hand at her side.

Gin tucked his knives back into his belt, but he kept a hand on one hilt just in case. Caution made him clench his teeth.

These people were military, not the best friends of sea gypsies. They would likely charge their crew for crimes than pay them with money. What was their captain thinking making deals with them?

The man in the cloak stepped aside to reveal the girl behind him.

She had pale skin and blue eyes, and strands of brown hair escaped from the hood of her cloak.

"I'm not your employer," the man said. He sounded more mature than he looked, but Gin thought they could be the same age. He gestured a hand at the girl beside him. "She is. But you're not hired yet."

"What do you mean?" Rodri asked.

Right then, four more people arrived at the pier--two women and two men.

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