Chapter 38: You're Here

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Ria hid inside a barrel for hours, waiting for the familiar bob of the floor underneath as the ship started to leave, and still, she patiently waited for a few more hours to allow them to sail far from the shores of Sivona.

When she thought they were far enough, she pushed out the lid of the barrel and stood.

The first to see her was Migal, who turned, pointing a gun at her. "Ria?" Migal's voice came shocked as he lowered his weapon, placing it back into its holster. "What in the name of the sea mother are you doing here?" The yellow glow of light from a nearby lamp exposed the surprise in his eyes.

"I stowed away." Ria smiled, guilty.

Migal stepped to her to help her out of the barrel.

Captain Zalez might have heard them, and he came up from behind Migal. The same surprise glowed in his eyes. "Why are you here, Your Highness?"

"I need to pay Enzo for what he did to me," Ria answered, raising her new mechanical hand to the captain.

The captain thought for a while before he nodded. "I don't suppose you're here with the king's permission, are you?"

Ria shook her head, apologetic. "If I had his permission, I wouldn't be stowing away inside a barrel, captain."

The captain sighed.

"We should turn back and return her to shore," Migal suggested.

"No," Ria argued. "I'm going with you to retrieve the documents. It's my original heist."

The captain sighed again. "We're already hours out. Going back will delay us further." He glanced out to the sea where the land of Sivona had been but now drifted off into the dark horizon. Then he looked back at her. "I don't mind having a good shot on board the Opal."

Migal cursed. "Wet ocean. When we get to Acante, you're staying on this ship where it's safe."

"I can't promise you anything," Ria said, sensing his frustration.

"Lady!" Sam's voice came, and Migal and the captain parted, turning. Sam walked up to her. Reno sat on his shoulder, bouncing and waving to her. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't let you do this without me now, could I?" Ria gave Sam a wide grin.

Reno jumped on her shoulder and gave her a wet kiss, making her laugh. "I missed you, too," she said to the monkey.

"He's been hiding in the ship since the king arrested us. Lucky monkey. The guards couldn't find him." Sam gestured at his pet--the sixth member of the Opal.

"My brother had you arrested?" Ria asked, astounded by what the king had done after they saved her life.

"Well, actually, his captain did," Captain Zalez explained. But still, Ria knew that it was by order of the king.

"I see." She looked at Migal, who only shrugged. "I'll have a word with him once we're back."

"Oh, don't fret. We're under contract for bigger money with the king. Don't want to upset him now," Captain Zalez said. "Fifteen thousand pridas for each member of the Opal." He reached out to pet Reno on his head. "Remind me to tell the king we have six members, not five."

Ria's brows rose. That would make their pay ninety thousand pridas. Clever captain. She nodded. "Alright. So, what's the plan?"

"We're heading to Acante. Juli knows the places Enzo will hide," Migal explained. "We'll sneak in and steal back the documents."

Ria nodded again. The details of the plan could be shared with her later. They would have a few days to sail before they reached Acante. "Where's Gin?" she asked, looking around the deck. She only saw Rodri at the helm, who tipped his head to her as a greeting. She smiled at him, but he wasn't who she was searching for.

"Why are you looking for him?" Migal asked.

"He's in the boiler room with Juli," Sam answered.

Ria didn't bother to answer Migal and walked past them. "Thanks, Sam."

She made her way down below decks and right toward the boiler room. Machine noise and steamy heat greeted her as she neared the door. When she peeked inside, she saw Juli first, and her heart leaped. She'd heard that Juli made it alright to the ship, but she was still so happy and grateful to see the girl safe.

"Ria?" Juli found her by the door. "What in the sea devil's mouth are you doing here?"

Ria entered the hot boiler room, and sweat formed on her forehead. "Can't remember how many times I've counted that question now. But I need to pay Enzo for what he did to me," she raised her hand.

Juli's eyes grew wide. "Oh, I'll make sure you do that," she said, determined to support Ria with her revenge.

"Hey, Juli, did you take the--" Gin came from behind the boiler, wearing no shirt and sweating. The noise of the boiler room muffled his voice. He stopped when he saw Ria.

Juli grinned. "I'll give you two some privacy," she said and left the two of them.

Gin stared at Ria as if he couldn't believe she was there, his wide eyes, surprise, and disbelief emanating from him. He glanced at her mechanical hand, and his jaw ticked. Anger flared, and she caught it, making her want to hide her hand. Pity wasn't what she wanted to feel right now.

"You're here," Gin said, staring at her as if blinking would suddenly make her disappear.

She had turned her eyes to the floor, ashamed of what she'd lost, ashamed of what Enzo had taken from her.

"Ria," Gin whispered, stepping closer. "Eyes on me."

She looked up at him then, and the anger was gone. The pity was gone. Only warmth and gratefulness were left, and she would have run to him then, but she heard footsteps coming from the door behind her.

"Ria?" Migal's voice came, and she turned. Suspicion and jealousy emanated from him. "Let's get you settled in the captain's quarters." His voice was calm, not giving away any of his emotions, but she could sense his heart.

"I--" She wanted to tell him to go ahead and she would follow on, but the emotions coming from him told her that he wouldn't leave the boiler room without her.

"Go on, princess," Gin said, and she turned back to him. He was looking at Migal, and there was rivalry in his eyes. But when he looked at her, his face softened. "Go on, princess. It's too hot in here anyway. We'll talk later, yeah?"

Ria didn't want to go, but something told her that the room would get hotter if she didn't go. So she nodded. Eyes on Gin, she smiled, and he smiled back. "It's good to see you." She turned to Migal, trying to avoid his gaze--to hide the joy she felt, but she knew it was too late. She sensed more jealousy from Migal as he placed a hand on her back and led her away from the boiler room--away from Gin.

 She sensed more jealousy from Migal as he placed a hand on her back and led her away from the boiler room--away from Gin

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