Chapter 12: Acante

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Ria pressed the tips of her fingers on the glass that separated her from the outside world where tall structures grew, hiding away the horizon. All she could see were gray cobblestone walls around, and the smog filled streets below. She had never seen so many automobiles before, speeding from one end of the road to the other, catching passengers on the sidewalks lit by bright glowing lamp posts.

Acante was almost a different world--certainly, more different than Sivona or any other island that Ria had been to. She couldn't believe how far she had traveled and now, she was in the southernmost province of the kingdom of the Nether Isles--the province that pioneered in engineering.

The Opal had docked in the southern port of Acante's main island earlier and the crew had decided to spend the night here while Enzo gathered more information about the Belona Isles.

"So we're here." Gin spoke, causing Ria to push away from the ashen city view of the window and turn around. 

The suite they booked had ample room for the whole crew who gathered around the living area. Captain Zalez, Rodri and Sam with Reno on his shoulder sat on a long settee. Julie, Enzo, and Mari sat on separate chairs with high backrests. Reynar sat on the floor beside Gin who kneeled over a map spread at the center of the area--the coffee table pushed aside. It was the same map they'd used before--the one of Acante. And Migal stood hovering over it.

Ria strode to the empty spot on the settee and sat down beside Sam who greeted her with a smile. Each one of the crew grew tense and excited for the upcoming heist, and she mirrored their eagerness but a part of her feared what was to come. 

"We'll travel south and anchor the Opal at the northern waters of Mavita." Gin continued as his point finger slid over the paper, tracing their route. Apparently the main isle of Mistress Evita was called Mavita.

"There are two islets on the way before we get there," Rodri said as he combed his fingers over his red hair, fiery in the room's warm lighting.

"Am told those isles got watch towers. Two guards on the first, three on the second," Enzo pointed at the map where small brown dots of land aligned between the main island of Acante and Mavita.

Ria had wondered where Enzo's accent came from and realized only now that it was how Acantians spoke.

"Reynar will take them out from the main mast," Captain Zalez said.

"I'll need a second." Reynar leaned back on the floor. "Can't take 'em all out in one shot."

"I'll do it," Juli said.

"No," Ria said. She was a marksman too, and this opportunity to shoot someone, even if it was with sleeping bullets, would help her prove to herself that she could do this. She knew this mission was dangerous and she could be putting everyone's lives at risk by going off board and doing the dive herself. So she needed to know that she could do this. "I'll be your second."

Gin looked up at her from the map and though she wasn't directly looking at him, she could still sense his emotions--surprised and astonished at her foolish bravery. 

"You've never shot at anyone, Ria." Migal came to stand beside her.

"Exactly," was her only answer to him, but his comment was exactly why she needed to do it. 

"You'll risk the Opal getting seen," Captain Zalez pressed two fingers on his shaved chin, observing her.

She looked at the captain. "If I can't shoot then we'll turn back. You'll still get your money."

"Am all in!" Enzo reacted so quickly.

"Fine," Captain Zalez said in a steady voice--an air of authority emanated from him.

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