Chapter 37: The Risks to the Throne

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Ria had not yet gotten used to her new hand. It felt different, too light as if it was there but not there--too ghost-like, a shell of what it used to be. But she had taken time to practice it until she had gotten the hang of it, at least with its movements, but not its presence.

After several more visits from Dr. Rama, she'd felt better physically. The pain of her wound had subsided, but she knew the loss would never leave her for the rest of her life.

She had been cooped up in her room since she returned to Sivona. The four walls started to become suffocating. "I need to get out," she told herself, walking up to her dresser. She changed her clothes and wore gloves to leave her room, hiding her mechanical hand under the cover of leather.

When she opened her door, four guards were posted outside when there were usually two. Her brother might have added them for better security or to keep Ria from leaving the palace again.

She sighed, stepping out, and none of the guards stopped her. But when she walked, the four of them followed. As she proceeded to the corridor, she saw a familiar face coming her way. "Migal," she smiled.

Migal walked faster when he saw her. "Ria. You're out. Are you feeling well?"

They stopped in front of each other.

Ria nodded. "I needed some fresh air. Just going out for a walk."

"Let me join you," Migal said and turned in her direction. He glanced at her gloved hands as they continued to walk. "I'm so sorry, Ria. I wasn't able to save you when the Acantians attacked. This should not have happened."

Ria winched as if she was still in pain. His apology had only reminded her of her mourning. "It's alright. There was nothing you could have done. They told me you were injured, too."

Migal nodded. "Healed now, thanks to our somasi."

Ria nodded in return and tried a smile, but only a hint came to her lips. "Gin was there," she recalled. "In the tavern. He saved me."

"That rat didn't save you," Migal's words filled with something vile, and Ria sensed his wrath.

"Don't call him that," Ria said with a gentle tone. "I owe him my life."

"He wasn't able to keep you safe," Migal argued. "You don't owe him anything."

"He's done so much for me when we weren't on the ship." Ria remembered their time together, not just the hiding, but also the moments they'd spent together--the time they swam the coral reef, the time they had behind the bridge of the fishing boat, the time they shared under the stars that night, and even the times they had on the Opal before their heist even began though mostly spent planning and arguing. The looks and glances they'd taken part in had been so warm in her mind.

"Why are you defending him? What happened when you were with him?" Migal asked, and she sensed a bit of jealousy from him.

Ria's cheeks were hot now, and she could only imagine how red they were turning, and she was so sure Migal could also see it.

Migal shook his head. "It doesn't matter now. That crew will be gone from Sivona soon."

Ria stopped in her tracks. "What do you mean?"

"Your brother hired them to retrieve the documents. They will be leaving tonight," Migal said.

"What?" Ria's thoughts raced. All this time, she hadn't even thought about what had happened to the crew of the Opal. She knew they were safe, but she didn't know where they were or if they were treated fairly. Surely, her brother would accommodate them for saving her. "Where is my brother?" she asked Migal.

"I believe he is in the war room with the general right now," one of the guards behind them spoke, and Migal gave him a raised brow.

Ria turned, moving in the direction of the war room, and Migal pursued her.

"What are you going to do?" Migal asked.

"To speak with my brother," she answered.

They reached the war room, where two guards were posted at the door.

"Tell the king that I would like to speak with him," Ria ordered one of the guards who bowed and entered the room to inform the king of her visit.

"Tell me what happened when you were with Gin, Ria," Migal had gone back to the matter she hadn't and didn't want to answer, at least not for now.

Thankfully, the guard came back and saved her from having to admit things to Migal. "You may enter, Your Highness." The guard held the door open for them.

Ria and Migal entered and found the king and the general seated at the table with a map of the Draga Isles.

"What is it, sister?" the king asked, looking at her.

"I heard that you ordered the crew of the Opal to find the documents for you," Ria said.

"Migal told you?" her brother asked.

Migal opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Ria answered. "A palace staff told me." It wasn't truly a lie. Migal was part of the staff, after all.

"What of it then?" the king asked.

"That was my job for them. I hired them to retrieve those documents."

The king leaned back in his chair. "Those documents should not have been unearthed, sister. Father should have burned them during his time."

Ria's brows rose. "You know about the documents?"

"Of course I do. I'm the king. All this knowledge is passed along to every ruler of the Draga Isles—all the secrets of the throne. I didn't think anything of it when I was informed. I was shocked, but I didn't know it would be a risk."

The general beside the king nodded. "The people interested in overthrowing you could use those documents to raise a rebellion against you, Your Majesty."

"Which is why we're going to get those documents back," Migal added.

Ria turned to Miga. "We? You're going with the Opal?"

Migal nodded, confirming.

"Then I want to go, too," she said, looking between Migal and her brother. She shouldn't have lost the documents, and this was a chance for her to redeem herself.

"Are you mad?" The king's answer wasn't unexpected. She knew he wouldn't agree to such a dangerous task. "After what happened to you. This isn't some fantasy adventure, Ria. This could cause a war and could kill you if you go back out there. Look at your hand." He gestured at her glove.

Ria flinched. "This is my doing—my fault. Let me fix it, please, brother," she begged.

The king raised a finger. "You have done enough, sister. My word is final, and do not try to use your psychestringere on me to convince me otherwise."

And that was final. All Ria could do was pout and worry about the crew of the Opal and Migal who would retrieve the documents without her.

 All Ria could do was pout and worry about the crew of the Opal and Migal who would retrieve the documents without her

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