Chapter 58

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I had never expected the day when Lu Qingsu would return to the Xu family in the capital.

"Young Master, here." Lu Qingsu entered with a bowl of steaming porridge, seated himself by my bedside, and helped me sit up. Holding the bowl, he scooped a spoonful, allowing it to cool slightly before gently feeding me, bite by bite.

Lu Qingsu's appearance seemed largely unchanged from my memories. However, he appeared slightly deeper tan, and his physique appeared more robust than before, suggesting that he had fared decently in Jiangzhou.

While feeding me, he shared, "I've been helping manage a farm in Jiangzhou. It's a peaceful place, and I only became aware of the events in the capital a few months ago." He sighed with a hint of regret "The destinies of noble families ultimately hang on the Emperor's decisions."

While the Xu family was no longer as prosperous, it still had more than enough resources to endure compared to others.

"Now, we can only hope that the two masters can turn the situation around" Lu Qingsu said.

He paused for a moment and continued "It's a challenging time, and the lady of the house lacks the expertise to manage the household. Madam Jiang's focus is on the third branch, and the third master's health is so precarious. It's difficult for anyone to make decisions at present. Therefore, with Lord Xu approval, I was summoned back from Jiangzhou."

He placed the spoon down and directed his gaze toward me. His eyes, as tranquil as ever, bore an underlying touch of sadness. He appeared to hesitate about saying more but ultimately uttered, "You've suffered."

I couldn't help but smile softly. This seemingly simple statement carried a world of helplessness and bitterness. Surprisingly, his return didn't stir many emotions in me. It was as if seeing him again had helped me put an end to a lingering regret.

After lying down, I faintly heard voices from outside.

"If you can't even serve Young Master well, the laundry room happens to be short-staffed. You can go work there."

Following the loud 'thud,' there came a panicked plea for forgiveness, "Manager Lu, I-I know I was wrong, I promise to serve Young Master diligently in the future, I won't ever leave without permission again..."

It's not good to be seen as an outsider, especially in the eyes of the servants. However, compared to being reassigned to the laundry room, staying by the side of the Master is a much better position.

In all honesty, I harbored no resentment towards her. I had witnessed the dynamics of the inner household for many years. Everyone aimed to protect themselves, and as long as they didn't harm others, it was deemed acceptable.

"Yinping, you must understand that no matter what, that person inside is the only Young Master of the Xu household. The value of even several, or even dozens of people like you, can't compare to a single strand of his hair. If there's any trouble, do you think the masters would spare you?"

"I... Yinping truly knows she was wrong. Manager Lu, please, don't tell Steward Zhang. I will work hard, and I promise to serve Young Master well!"

I could tell that Lu Qingsu didn't intend to punish Yinping severely. The household was short of staff at the moment, and bringing in someone else might not necessarily yield better results. Yinping had simply been careless, and I had no interest in disciplining the servants, especially in my current state. She would learn her lesson and behave better.

"You've acknowledged your mistake, which is good. But rules are rules, and punishment can't be avoided. You go to Steward Zhang and take two strokes of the paddle."

"I understand. If not for Young Master intervention, I wouldn't dare to give you this chance. Remember, today, it's all thanks to Young Master."


Since that incident, Yinping had been more diligent and attentive in her service to me. Lu Qingsu visited me daily, taking good care of my needs and keeping me informed about the household's affairs.

"These past few days, Lord Xu and Lady Yu have been arguing again," he mentioned.

"Why?" I was aware that the marital relationship between Lady Yu and Lord Xu had deteriorated over the years.

Lady Yu's domineering temperament made her unbearable for most, and I wondered whether she had always been like that or if the environment within the inner household had slowly transformed her into such a person.

Lu Qingsu shook his head, and it seemed he was unaware of the reasons behind the recent disagreements between Lady Yu and Lord Xu. However, their marital discord was causing trouble for everyone in the household. Lu Qingsu continued, "Now, it's not just turmoil outside; even the Xu household is in turmoil. Lady Yu's behavior is eccentric and suspicious, and she's been driving away several managers."

In recent times, as Lu Qingsu and I conversed more openly, he began to shed some of his reservations. It was remarkable to think that he and I could converse calmly, deliberating on various topics like ordinary people. Under Lu Qingsu's care, my health gradually improved. He visited me every other day, sharing news from Yangsu, which he thought might alleviate my boredom.

"Traveling from the capital to Yangsu, even with fast horses, takes about half a month, and if you go by water, it can take up to a month" he explained "Yangsu has a hot climate, and the people there, both men and women, tend to have darker skin and are generally shorter. The dialect in Yangsu is quite different from the northern one. When I first arrived, aside from the stewards in the estate, hardly anyone could understand me."

I listened silently to his words, and for a brief moment, I couldn't help but feel a hint of envy. I had spent the past dozen years within these confined walls, living a life not of my own choosing. My thoughts drifted back to my childhood, a time when I naively believed that marriage was a blessing. The maids used to say that it was preferable to be wed and become a Mistress in another family than to exist like a wild weed. Now, I had come to realize just how daunting it all truly was.

Lu Qingsu stood up after I had finished my meal, intending to take his leave. Unexpectedly, he fixed his gaze on me and remained silent for a while. After a long pause, he said  "Compared to when I first met you, Young Master has indeed grown quite a bit."

His words brought back memories of the first time I saw him when I was barely fifteen. Now, two years had passed since that moment.

In a mere moment, I found myself remembering that brief glimpse – the splendid phoenix crown and red robes, the burning braziers, and the vivid sedan chairs. These images remained as clear as if they had happened yesterday, yet they felt distant as if they were from a past life.

Lu Qingsu stared at me for a long time and then, as if in a daze, reached out his hand. His rough palm gently touched my cheek, and by the time I fully realized what was happening, he had leaned in closer.

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