Chapter 21

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The next day, I remained in the main room until the afternoon and woke up to find Biyu there to attend to me.

Biyu said, "In the morning, the Eldest Master instructed us not to wake you before he left, only mentioning that if there were any issues in the second courtyard, he would handle them himself."

I hadn't realized I would sleep so soundly. It seemed I hadn't had a proper night's rest in these past few nights. I had just changed into fresh clothes when Biyu hurried in, saying, "Hurry up, hurry up, they're all getting impatient in the second courtyard."

Ideally, as a 'kao' wife, I should have had my own belongings in every courtyard, but as a newcomer, I didn't have much to my name. It didn't take long to pack and move, but this situation gave me a fleeting feeling of instability, as if I were a drifting leaf without a stable place to land.

Seated within the sedan chair, I began to roll up my sleeves, catching sight of the imprints on my wrists. They bore the evidence of Xu Changfeng's firm grasp from the previous night. While tidying up, I noticed similar faint bruises encircling my waist. He was a skilled martial artist, and his strength occasionally surpassed my ability to endure it. I couldn't truly expect him to treat me with gentle restraint.

As the sedan chair moved, I couldn't resist casting one final glance back. The summer sun bathed the courtyard in a vibrant light, the branches and vines lending it a bittersweet air of serenity. I quietly averted my gaze, thinking that I would have to come back here eventually.

The sedan chair had traveled for about half an incense stick's worth of time when it arrived at a place I recognized. Xu Yanqing's secondary residence, while not as opulent as the main courtyard, had a certain elegance and charm. I got out of the sedan chair, and a few attractive maids greeted me, saying, "The Second Master has been waiting for you."

These servants were all bright and beautiful. A quick glance at them and you could tell their master's tastes. It reminded me of that night when he made me captivated by his beautiful face. Looking at it now, it was true.

I had thought the second courtyard was in a rush to welcome me because they were following their master's orders. However, upon entering the room, I didn't see Xu Yanqing himself. Having grown accustomed to a life of leisure, I could always find ways to pass the time. Until evening, there was still no sign of Xu Yanqing. I removed my outer clothes, leaving only the inner layer. At that moment, a maid approached me and said, "Young Master."

I looked at her. This maid, named Yin Ping, was exceptionally pretty. Among all the maids I had seen in the Xu household, her beauty stood out. Her name suited her well.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Yin Ping lowered her eyes and spoke softly, "Young Master, you've just returned tonight, so you probably don't know..." She seemed hesitant, and Biyu, who was more impatient, said, "If you have something to say, say it quickly."

Yin Ping glanced at me, as if fearing my reaction, and then said, "Young Master, you might not be aware, but the Second Young Master hasn't returned home for half a month." After saying this, Yin Ping looked at me, as if trying to gauge my reaction.

From what she said, it seemed that Xu
Yanqing hadn't returned to the household since the night we were together. No one had told me, but I understood that this flamboyant Second Master was probably drowning in alcohol somewhere. As for me, a newly-wedded wife, I was already being neglected. However, this clever maid seemed to have higher expectations of me and of the fragile bond between Xu Yanqing and me.

I calmly said, "So, he probably won't be coming back tonight either."

Yin Ping responded quickly with a "Yes."

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