Chapter 46

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Like raindrops, he gently pecked at my nape. His hand, which rested on my chest, was intertwined with mine, held tightly to my heart, making him feel the thunderous rhythm of my heartbeat. Gradually, he enfolded me in his arms from behind, and I surrendered to the warmth of his embrace. His presence was overpowering, and I could sense the scent of musk that arises when passion ignites.

"I've missed you," he kissed my temple, his voice husky and low. "I've thought of you when I had nothing to do, when I was overwhelmed, and even when my life hung by a thread..." his hand on my chest gently parted, slipping discreetly beneath my silken robe. As his warm hand made contact with my skin, my breathing became even more rapid.

Xu Yanqing held me tightly, planting kisses on my neck as he murmured, "I feared you wouldn't forgive me. I also worried that upon my return, you might have forgotten me..." While he spoke, his hands alternated between gentle caresses and firmer pressure, teasing me through the delicate fabric of my attire. My breath quickened, and he enveloped me from behind, with one hand exploring my chest and the other subtly tracing my lower abdomen.

Xu Yanqing leaned in, beginning from just behind my ear, he placed a series of kisses, and as my collar slipped down my shoulder, he inhaled deeply at the hollow of my neck, murmuring softly, "You smell so enticing..." As he spoke, his palm continued to alternate in pressure, pressing against my manhood through the supple fabric. My quivering hand followed suit, lightly stroking along...

I half-closed my eyes, not daring to turn my body around. Xu Yanqing's playful teasing persisted, and in the midst of the heated moment, I felt him slipping beneath the blankets. I couldn't predict what he was about to do. My gaze flickered to the lump forming under the sheets, and I couldn't help but feel a sudden loosening of my pants. At that very instant, I was abruptly awakened, a panicked cry escaping my lips, "Second Master!"

Regrettably, my realization came too late. Beneath the concealment of the covers, he had already parted my legs, enveloping my manhood. I arched my neck, clutching the sheets on either side as I quivered, "Second Master..." My vision grew hazy, and my red lips trembled with a faint shiver.

Moist eyes partially closed as I whimpered "Don't, don't do this...!" I kicked my legs in a struggle, trying to move backward, but Xu Yanqing firmly held my legs in place with his hands and began to lick and play with me.

Although I had been trained by my aunt, I only dared to be a bit bold in the bedroom, and that was mostly when the my heating period was uncontrollable.

That area was still a private place, and even though I knew it felt great, I didn't dare to touch it all the time. Xu Yanqing was determined to make me feel good, using every technique at his disposal. My youthful member, small and soft, wasn't very useful even when it was hard, but he treated it as a precious treasure, sucking and licking it, as if he was savoring a candy in his mouth. My legs slid restlessly on the bed, and I propped up my upper body, my neck trembling as I arched it back. With my eyes barely open, I watched the head below rise and fall, occasionally accompanied by sucking sounds.

Suddenly, I clenched my fingers tightly, raised my feet, and pressed it urgently against his shoulders, gasping out, "Second Master, I... I'm going to...!" Xu Yanqing didn't withdraw but continued to suck vigorously. My lower abdomen tightened, and I ejaculated in spasms. I collapsed back onto the bed, panting, and when I opened my eyes, I saw him pull the sheets back, but there was no trace of the fluid he had just taken into his mouth. To my surprise, he had swallowed it all.

Blushing all over, I stammered, "why... why did you..." Xu Yanqing wiped his mouth but didn't say a word. He gently pulled up my pants and adjusted them before lying down, wrapping his arms around me. I gazed into his eyes, my own filled with confusion. He whispered softly, "I hurt you so much that time. I believe you're still afraid of me."

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