Chapter 45

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Xu Yanqing's return home naturally began with the customary visit to pay respects to his parents. I stood by his side as we made our way to visit Madam Xie.

The news of Xu Yanqing's return had been carefully concealed from the Xu household, and upon setting eyes on him, Madam Xie's hand quivered, causing a cup to fall and shatter.

"Yan'er?" Madam Xie had always been a woman of composure, rarely showing her emotions openly, but she was still a mother. She rushed to her feet and Xu Yanqing hurried to support his mother. Madam Xie looked upon her son, her eyes brimming with tears, and she reached out to touch his face, her words choked with emotion. "Yanqing, you've endured so much."

As mother and son conversed, I quietly retreated with the servants.

Xu Yanqing's absence had extended far beyond the initially mentioned three or four months. Throughout his southward journey, aside from the monthly letters he sent home, we had received updates from couriers that hinted at a his journey marked by adversity.
It was said that he had undertaken various missions during this expedition, which encompassed uncovering corruption among officials in different regions and eradicating bandit groups. These events were discussed without dwelling on details, but it was clear that the situation had been quite perilous at times. His safe return was undoubtedly thanks in part to Madam Xie's daily recitation of scriptures for his well-being.

Though Xu Yanqing had been away for a long time, he had official duties to attend to. After reporting his safety to his mother, he hurried to the palace to give an account to the emperor. His experiences had undoubtedly earned him favor, resulting in a two-rank promotion in his official title. Additionally, the second master had influentials connections, and in the past few days, visitors seeking to pay their respects to him seemed to be lining up outside the Xu estate.

Amidst this bustling activity, I saw Xu Yanqing the least during his first days back. On the first two nights, I remained awake until the early hours, convinced that the numerous banquets and gatherings with nobility and royalty were the reason for his late returns. I was determined not to have him endure any loss of face by departing prematurely. However, each time I grew too fatigued and drifted into slumber, it was precisely during those moments that Xu Yanqing would arrive back home.

It was only on the third night that he arrived home soon after the lights were lit. I had just finished bathing, and with Biyu feeling unwell, only Biluo was helping me prepare for the night. She was combing my hair when we heard footsteps.

I turned my gaze in the direction of the commotion, and Xu Yanqing had already lifted the curtain, peering inside. As our eyes connected, I couldn't help but lower my own, and Biluo, obediently lowering her head as well, addressed him, "Second Master."

Xu Yanqing instructed the servants, "All of you, leave."

As the servants obediently left the room, I was on the verge of rising from my chair when Xu Yanqing swiftly approached me from behind. His hand reached around my neck, lifted the hairpin from the table. His hand was well-defined, and in the flickering candlelight,  caught hold of a strand of my dark hair from behind me in the flickering candlelight.

I raised my eyes and gazed at the blurred reflection in the bronze mirror.

After such a long period of not seeing each other, Xu Yanqing had grown thinner, and his skin had darkened slightly. However, this only added to his previous charm, giving him an air of solitary elegance. He meticulously arranged my hair, running his fingers through it and then gently toying with a strand in his palm, as if it were a cherished possession.

"There's a saying, 'Marriage is sealed by tying the hair together'..." he murmured softly, then paused. "Do you know what comes next?"

I stood up slowly, and Xu Yanqing lowered his head to meet my gaze. A smile gently curved at the corner of his lips. "Jingting, you've grown taller."

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