Chapter 4

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I woke up bound to a bed, my limbs tightly tied to the bedposts with thick ropes.

I had no idea where I was, whether I was still in the Shen mansion or somewhere in hell. All I knew was that I felt like I was in a furnace, my body burning with heat, sweat pouring down like rain.

"Mmm... Mmm..." I had cloth stuffed in my mouth, making it impossible to call for help. The fire within me was intensifying. It wasn't just the heat; my lower abdomen felt like it was tied up in knots. Sometimes, it hurt terribly, and other times, it itched unbearably. During the itchy spells, it felt like thousands of ants crawling beneath my skin, all concentrated around that place, my shameful opening.

"Mmm..." I writhed and struggled incessantly, like a stranded fish gasping for air. But my limbs were bound, and I couldn't reach to scratch, even a slight movement sent a surge of sensation through me. My already erect manhood spurted out, and my backside felt like it had lost control, letting out a foul-smelling fluid.

The torment continued with three or four sessions each day. Every time the lewd fluids were drawn out of me, it felt like a near-death experience. I couldn't distinguish between day and night, but every few hours, an elderly woman would unlock the door and enter. She brought thick porridge, and every time, she'd loosen my restraints for a brief moment, removing the bloodied cloth from my mouth. I realized it wasn't to prevent me from calling for help but to keep me from biting my own tongue.

At this point, I was utterly exhausted. I couldn't even turn over, let alone escape. My mouth was parched, and I'd weakly turn my head, hoping the old woman would bring the bowl of porridge to my lips. She'd occasionally oblige, but she never lingered long, always leaving promptly after changing my clothes.

As a result, I barely rested for an hour, and my body would gradually heat up again. I thought I might get used to it over time, but that wasn't the case. The sensation was akin to death itself, especially as it grew increasingly itchy. I'd writhe and struggle, yearning for anything to come and utterly destroy my insides. The duration extended, sometimes lasting a full day. I'd ejaculate repeatedly but couldn't release a drop towards the end.

I initially believed I'd die in that wretched place, but after that excruciatingly long night of torment, the door finally opened, and several maidservants entered.

"Tsk." The woman at the front of the group, dressed in fine attire and appearing quite young, though the others addressed her as "aunt." She wrinkled her delicate eyebrows, looking at me with disdain and said, "Look at this sorry state... Quick, clean this person up."

The maidservants untied the ropes that had left my ankles and wrists raw and bleeding. They fed me a bowl of soup, which I could barely taste, feeling it only as a greasy mess. I had no desire to drink it, but they forced it down my throat, holding my face firmly. Then, a robust maidservant carried me to an adjacent room. There, hot water had been prepared, and two maidservants undressed me until I was completely naked. They washed my body vigorously, not particularly gentle. The hot water cascaded over me, gradually bringing some clarity to my foggy mind.

After they had cleaned me up, they took me to a chamber. The woman called "aunt" sat in a chair, looking nonchalant. When I entered, she lazily asked, "Done? Come here."

I gazed at her with a vacant mind, not thinking much. It took me a while to lift my feet. Each step felt like I was walking on cotton, weak and powerless.

She lightly blew on her painted nails, barely sparing me a glance, and said, "Take off your pants."

I hesitated, looking at her blankly.

The woman remained composed, her hand resting on the chair's back. She turned her piercing eyes toward me and said, her tone light and insouciant, "Fine, after all, you're just the child of a cheap slave, ignorant of proper etiquette. Bring the others."

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